If anyone can give me insight into how body corporates work, and who they are help accountable to by law. We are currently trying to rent/buy a house and we are having endless problems with body corps that do not allow pets, even though pets already exist in the complex.
Case 1: We got went at looked at a place in Montana in Weltevredenpark. The complex was fine with our dogs but stated on a board. NO NEW CATS. When we took a look at the place there were cats roaming the complex. Rawsons showed us the property and told us that cats will most likely not be a problem. We got a our paperwork ready and then were told that the body corporate run by Trafalgar have come up with a new rule that no new cats are allowed.
Case 2: Went to look at a place in Hombre on toy avenue in Allens Nek, once again we were told by agents "All About Rentals" that the place was pet friendly, in this case we actually signed a lease and even paid a deposit only to find out that the complex was again taking NO NEW PETS.
Where do these body corporates get so much power and is it legal for them to discriminate when it comes to allowing and dis-allowing pets, especially when pets already exist in the complex (Some trustees even have pets themselves) . It seems to me that trustees on the body corps are simply giving their pets preference and saying stuff you to anyone elses needs. Would you believe that the agents have even asked if we would still consider... what do they want us just give away our pets.
Agents and Body Corps really need to think about their actions. The sectional title act stats that a reasonable explanation needs to be taken into consideration when dis-allowing pets. Who governs this and stats what is reasonable or not reasonable?
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