A very traumatic time for me !
A friend of mine had to have a relatively small op done on his shoulder to have a muscle defect rectified by an orthopedic surgeon in a local private hospital and in the process got infected with some virus/bacteria.
This turned into septicemia and after about 3 weeks he died from infection.
The operation was one of these non invasive operations where a few small holes were made in the shoulder area and the muscle repaired.
He spent most of the time after the op in and out of ICU obviously running up a huge bill.
Well to cut the story short, his wife is obviously in quite a state and I want to try to give her the best advice possible.
This hospital used to be one of the better ones but as of late many reports have been made that it is in chaos and certainly not clean/sterile.
Do you think that she might have a claim against a) the surgeon and b) the hospital by going through these attorneys claiming that they take up medical malpractice suits and work on a "no winn-no cost " basis. I do not think after this she has any funds left to sue the doctor and/or hospital on her own.
To take a case like this to the Medical council imo. will not serve any purpose.
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