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Mother Afreeka Part 1

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This is really for the bored, written many years gone by, and as english is not my first language bare with spelling errors and bad grammer will sort that out at some date in the future. I recently lost all my data my 1000g hard drive(format) and have being recoverying the data and found this and thought will post it here for future storage.

mother aFREEka
A vieome scribble


Chapter 1
Jabu Gets New Trainers

Hey kids I want to share a few stories with you, some of them true, some of them with hidden truths, and some from another world. I am going to share with you things the grown ups don't want you to hear. I am going to educate you and provide you with skills for the game of life. Oh yes life is just a game.
Are you ready, are you sure you are ready, okay then, put away the cell phones, give your thumbs a rest, open your mind and read on.

Jabu was a skinny kid, the kind of boy you just wanted to share your sandwiches with. He was the only child to a hard working mother, who cleaned other peoples mess for a living. The cleaning job which was not high paying provided Amai Jabu(Jabu's mother) with enough money to pay her rent, her food and jabu school fees. So you might be wondering what is rent, well that is a certain amount of money you have to pay to have a shelter, a roof over your head. The more money you earn, the better the shelter, the better the roof.

Looking at their shelter which was located in the center of the shacks, one would not think that any rent would be paid for such a humble house, but Tokorlo a short man of devious nature, had proclaimed himself the chief of shacks and charged a small rental to the shack tenants, a fee for the ground the shack was built on. Tokorlo claimed that in some distant past his greatest of greatest grand fathers owned the this land, and that gave him the right to rent out small pieces of it, to those who desired to built themselves the tin huts called shacks. When one researched Tokorlo's history one would surely find that Tokorlo greatest grandfather was really from a country called Mozambique and many generations ago, had ran away from Mozambique, when African chiefs from the North of Africa began raiding their village and taking the men and women to be sold to slave traders, who inturn would ship the villagers to American to work the cotton fields.

Tokorlo often wished in secret, that his greatest grandfather had not run away from Mozambique and instead taken the slave ship to American, he would often dream that he was a descendent of the slaves and that now he would be some big star rapper, hanging with Puff Daddy, Sean Combs, P diddy or what ever name he was going by these days, that kind of Identity crises did not bother him. On days when he was drunk on cheap wine, Tokorlo would often harass the renters of his land and refer to himself as MC Lemu, for lemu was his real name, and he was only called Tokorlo behind his back on account of his devilish nature.

As you may have noticed I have drifted from the original story of Jabu's shoes, only because the game of life is like that, you may think that everything in your world is alright, but life can drift you to a place of deep suffering a hell of earth, if you can imagine that in your mind.

Amai Jabu was proud of her shack, she furnished it at best she could. A single foam mattress against the left side, a small parrafin stove against the right side, a box for a table, and a string along the top of the shack to hang her clothes. Amai Jabu was born in Zimbabwe a country to the North of south africa, on her 18 birthday round about the time the President of Zimbabwe was going mad with power, and decided to destroy all the zimbabwean shacks leaving Amai Jabu homeless, she convinced herself to take the great trek across the crocadile infested limpopo, with Jabu on her, to the Land of the Zulu and the Burah(a white african).

On arrival in South Africa, she managed to find a job as a maid in sandton, for a rich black family that had climbed the money ladder with the help of black empowerment(BBE). The family she worked for, often showed the signs of power madness, that her old president had lost his mind to, the kids would leave their rooms very untidy, and as soon as Amai Jabu got the rooms clean the kids would paint them dirty again. Her mistress was never happy with the work Amai Jabu did, and would put on white gloves and search the house for dust, any dust found would earn Amai Jabu the most fowl shouting, in which she was sure to be called a stupid Zimbabwean again and again. What was strange and what these two women did not know is that they had a common ancestor, both of them were relatives of the King Muzilikazi who had left south africa donkey years ago to colonize bulawayo a city in Zimbabwe in which Amai Jabu was born.

Amai Jabu however learnt to keep her mouth shut and never responded to the shouting of her boss, like Job from the bible, she created a room in her mind where all the suffering took place and would lock that room and get on with her work, knowing God was above looking out for her, and listening to her prayers and aligning her path of life with his answers. Besides she had bigger problems then a power drunk boss, like wondering if her refugee status would be approved. Amai Jabu walked her path in life, with knowledge of the real world, a path she knew would contain hardships, and suffering, are constant push for more life came from her promise to her sister.
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