i now have to vefify all the points dicussed in the telephone conversasion...when i advised the call centre person that i was going to take legal action the only reply he could give me...and i quote " if you go to a lawyer it is going to cost you for all the legal fees" then i told him i think not...as i have a mate who is a lawyer who will investigate this summons...his next sentance was..." this is standard proceedure...issuing summons" when he handed me over to the call centre management...i asked her why they had issued summons and requested documentation indicating the 4 outstanding payments....because as the call person indicated it normally takes at least 4 mis payments before they issue a summons or hand over the account.... her response was..." if makes no difference the amount of times...it is proceedure"

the call centre person also indicated that it could be that the amount paid every month was less than she was suppose to pay...but here is the joke...the bank sent her a letter indicating the amount...to begin with...so it cannot be that.

i am still waiting for the documentation from the attorney firm...pretty much what i suspected.

now i need to find out who issued this summons...to verify if it was actually the sheriff or as the customer call centre indicated it is their own sheriff...i am still trying to understand why no documentation was signed with the person who issued the summons signiture and my wifes signiture...surely when they issue any legal document like a summons which is worth anything there should be a date with a signiture?