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Thread: Coal, Chrome and Iron Mines

  1. #1
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    Coal, Chrome and Iron Mines

    Just wondering.... Are there any forum members in the process of buying/owning one of the above mentioned mines? I see lots of activety happening in this regard however, it is all kept on a strictly confidential basis. Is it because of the political situation surounding privatisation of mines? I'm curious on the views of those closer to the action and in the loop.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Sorry, we are not supposed to tell. Privatisation and all. State secrets you know...
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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I'm not sure privatisation is the right word here. In fact the buzzword seen most in media is nationalisation - as in Julius Malema's theory of how to make everyone rich in this country.

    My expectation is that nationalisation of mines is unlikely (at least in the short term), mostly because there are two other issues going at the moment - the renewal of existing mining rights permits, and then the issue of new mining rights permits.

    Both are lucrative opportunities for the well connected, and I have little doubt the lack of transparency is there for very good* reason.

    *if you happen to be on the inside track

  4. #4
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Correct Dave, but the way that these guys want to apply nationalisation is in fact privatisation. Or is it enrichment? Or empowerment.

    There is a "ment" somewhere, maybe government?
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  5. #5
    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    but the current model is also the same thing
    just that most of the money is going out of the country

    if we do things Juliaaas's way, even though none of us will smell any of it, the money will remain in the country.
    surely, thats not worse than the first option?

    the only danger is the the ANC govt will want black management at any cost-even if it means the mines will close due to maladministration, corruption, incompetence, laziness or a combination thereof.

    if they hired the best people for the job-irrespective of race/colour, im sure they would make a success of it.

    another thing you guys must accept:
    the Oppenheimers & Rothschilds will go all out to defame even sabotage the govts operation & ownership of the mines
    they would be losing out on $Billions after all.

    but for all its posturing, the ANC is a puppet govt.
    controlled by the above mentioned Rothschilds & Oppenheimers
    who have used their influence to make the ANC get rid of its beloved Juju.
    A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.

  6. #6
    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    heres an interesting 2 part article by an ex SA military member
    taken from
    <hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr />---
    "Dave Meckanic" is a Canadian weapons
    engineer who worked for South Africa's
    Apartheid government in the late 1980's.
    He describes how elements in that government used plane crashes
    to eliminate UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold and other IMF--backed opposition,
    and how the
    IMF retaliated by assassinating the
    Prime Minister Verwoerd and sabotaging a
    SAA Boeing 747, the Helderberg in
    1987. This set the stage for the
    bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie in 1988 and the use of airline sabotage as a covert weapon of war. TWA 800, Swissair 111, Egyptair 990 are just some that come to mind.

    By Dave Meckanic

    You have touched on something for which I have great passion, because I was there, involved in engineering national security infrastructure and special weapons programs.

    I was there when the arms deals were done, when people died and when the traitor deKlerk capitulated to the UN and IMF which started the handing over of the country to the ANC.

    And I left there in 1990, knowing that more blood would flow while the long night started in South Africa.

    In response to the article "White South Africa Was Conquered by Guilt" by Chris de Wet, guilt is certainly a partial cause and it was driven by a worldwide program sponsored by the IMF, using the UN, but one must understand history.

    The assassination of Dr H.F. Verwoerd was a response by the UN/IMF to the assassination of Dag Hammarskjold, the UN Secretary General from 1953-61, near Ndolo which was allegedly carried out by a South African mercenary named Theinus Swanepoel (or Roi Ruus - Red Russian) and his team, hopefully not the Colonel T. Swanepoel that ran Messina SMG that I did work for through the military contracting companies in 1987/88.

    Dag and an aide, the only two to survive the shooting down of their plane, were killed by single shots to the head, execution style, as confirmed by two eye witnesses.

    The UN/IMF were trying to infiltrate SA using external methods and illegal leverage in the early 60's, even so far as to give the requisite ultimatums, which is not a nice way to play, so South Africa responded accordingly and the blood feud began.

    The investigator into the shoot down of Dag Hammarskjold's plane was Cecil Margo, remember the name, he called it a crash, how profound. The UN/IMF had decided after the Hammarskjold assassination and before the the Verwoerd assassination (1961 to 1965), that it would take a different tact in the overthrow of South Africa. Hence a quote to set the stage;

    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor--he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation--he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city--he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared - Cicero, 42 B.C.E."

    Professor Bruwer and The Rietbok Crash, (1967)

    There were a string of leaders leading up to deKlerk. The worst traitor, deKlerk was trusted. The ANC are really expected to rape the taxpayer, still traitors, but more in line with puppets and fools.

    I worked mainly for the government of PW Botha (President from 1984-89) when we were strengthening the borders and at the same time, the government was relaxing or removing many of the Apartheid laws. The blood feud was ongoing although not visible and dissenting parties always seemed to just die off under strange circumstances.

    One such case would be Professor Bruwer who was trying to change the laws and practices concerning Apartheid. He died in the (1967) Rietbok crash, a SA ZS-CVA Viscount 818. Bruwer was the progenitor of a UN backed plan to enable black empowerment in the different homelands, which was met with incredible resistance by the National Party, the Church and higher echelon members

    Apparently, the pilot had a heart attack but the plane was never recovered, nor the pilot for that matter which was convenient for Cecil Margo, the judge who controlled the inquiry. But, how did the ultimate in treacherous acts occur? This will take a while because one has to know what happened leading up to the "big event."

    Samora Machel (1986)

    In physics, every action produces an equal and opposite reaction. With the IMF and the UN, the reaction is generally blown way out of proportion.

    Enter Samora Machel, the UN's upcoming point man and ex-president of Mozambique. The South African government was very concerned that Machel would polarize all the Marxist countries on South Africa's borders to operate as a single force. The Angolan war was bad enough but it could have spread from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, "with a word" and of course a wee bit of bribery. Petty despots like to be paid, just look at Mugabe, problem was Mozambique was broke but the IMF could always "lend" money for a worthy cause.

    South Africa decided to excise the problem surgically, with the lowest amount of collateral damage. They placed a false beacon, a mobile VOR, that had been constructed by a very large electronics company with French and Israeli backing on the border of Swaziland and South Africa near the Mozambique border south of Komatipoort.

    They forced Machel's plane off course by sending out a stronger VOR signal mimicking the Maputo airport and the plane, a Tupolov 134a, receiving false readings and incorrect data smacked into a low mountain type range on South African soil. This of course also gave South Africa control of the investigation and who did they appoint as judge of the inquiry? Cecil Margo! Again? There's more!

    (to be continued)
    <hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr /><hr />--

    "South Africa is now "usurped by IMF control to the detriment of everyone. The deKlerks, Mandelas, Mbekis, Zumas, all of them are simply meat puppets, not unlike Harper and Obama, that dance to the tune of their master, the IMF (read Rothschilds)."

    by Dave Meckanic

    You may remember the Angolan War. The UN/IMF had surrounded South Africa with hostile Marxist states, some were active in hostilities like Angola and the MLA, others were not.

    Because of the Russian/Cuban intervention in Angola and South West Africa (now Namibia), the US came to the assistance of UNITA with weapons and the SADF with recon and logistical support to concurrently engage the MLA, Cubans, et al.

    The main control gateway in this conflict from the CIA was John Stockwell. The SADF using CI had Colonel Jordaan who was the Chief of Counterintelligence and my CO.

    I was the one who developed (with my team of course) much of the security infrastructure for the country and I was also involved in black budget special weapons programs as either the engineer/designer or project manager.

    In 1987 I was approached to build a weapon to take down the Migs in Angola, but to look like pilot error. I did my job and prototypes were made to prove the concept.

    But to build the final beast, we needed something that wasn't easily obtained, that being p239. We were under a nuclear audit by the US at the time (part of the deal for CIA support and co-operation) and Palendaba/Velindaba were under constant surveillance and auditor control.

    We had no way to acquire the p239 in country, so CI took the initiative to bring the materials in from offshore. The plutonium came from North Korea via Taiwan. At the same time, two other military contracting companies were developing SAMS fuels as a backup to take down the Migs as an extra method, a kind of insurance. The missile fuel was a mixed ammonium perchlorate also from Asia, but in this case, it is only traceable back to the PRC.


    In order to topple a country, you need three things; time, distraction and traitors from within. The UN/IMF had been funding and inserting politicians in South Africa since the 60's. we remember Harry Oppenheimer's statement that he was "the engine behind the ANC." So, the UN/IMF had all the ingredients to start the ball rolling. Oppenheimer is a Rothschild and they own deBeers and Anglo-American controlling much of the diamond and gold trade as well as many other interests.

    We were winning in Angola, with the exception of the Mig problem, so the destruction of the weapons programs would be a serious blow to our efforts and moral in general.

    Enter the Helderberg, a Boeing 747 combi aircraft (passengers and cargo). On November the 27th, the ammonium perchlorate (APC/AMP fashioned into an incendiary bomb) was loaded onto the Helderberg on main cargo pallet PR1 while the US (out of the PRC) and South African military attaches monitored progress "on the tarmac."

    I don't know which pallet the plutonium was loaded into, but I imagine it was toward the rear of the plane. The Chief of CI, Colonel Jordaan was supposed to be coming back on the Helderberg with his wife but he was warned off boarding the plane.

    T.B. Osler, a known CI/MI asset was on the plane, in addition, one other engineer with known connections to the French/Israeli company that produced the mobile VOR beacon in the Samora Machel assassination was also on the plane with his wife. Dawie Uys, the pilot, had his SAAF officer status re-activated and both he and his family were threatened in order to force the take off and complete the flight. The orders came from Pretoria.

    This was far too sweet a target for the UN/IMF to miss taking advantage of fully and it was the first false flag in SA of this nature and size. If they could take the plane down with all the people who were active targets, as well as all of the innocent people plus the weapons materials, the catastrophe would complete a number of objectives.

    1. cast doubt on and demonize the government
    2. demoralize populations
    3. stop the advanced weapons programs so they could be sold to the US
    4. stop the SAMS accelerator program
    5. demoralize and fragment the military
    6. force financial adjustments in the country
    7. produce extortion "points" for the UN, IMF and US
    8. force a change of status in South West Africa ---> Namibia
    9. eventually open the country to massive corruption and resource rape due to the above (which has happened)

    This one act of mass murder divided not only parliament, but also the nation, it put doubt into every aspect of SA society because people knew military contraband was involved and the government did it, it was in all the papers as rumours of course but very close to part of the truth.

    Every military department I dealt with was polarized. Consequently, security clearances were altered to try and prevent insiders from knowing what was really going on in the government.

    We (not myself necessarily, military contracting companies I worked for/with) did things that were internationally illegal, like helping the US sell arms to Saddam for the sole purpose of invading Kuwait (why do you think he had to die? he might have told, actually he tried to, the courts shut him up) during the South African arms embargo.

    It was not a very nice time but government ministers made good money selling arms and weapons projects, oh, and I quit. I don't mind retiring known terrorists or even unknown ones, but I do have a problem working with people selling weapons to insane megalomaniacs, even if it is a deal brokered by the US government. I forgot to mention, guess who was the judge managing the inquiry into the Helderberg being blown up. If you guessed Cecil Margo, you're right.

    UN, IMF, ANC, Mandela and South Africa (1989)

    In 1989, the UN came back to the SA government with an ultimatum again and the IMF offered up the muscle. We were already a nation divided with ministers in government and officers in the military working for the UN, IMF and/or ANC.

    The UN demanded that Mandela be released since he was the new "poster boy" for worldview change. The IMF offered to flood the market with Russian diamonds and destroy the South African economy if South Africa didn't comply.

    DeKlerk knew what was going on. He was Oppenheimer's (Rothschilds) bought man, so he did the thing they wanted, bought the diamonds with the country's money and extended the Reserve Bank. But he didn't release Mandela, because the plan was that he needed an excuse to say, "It's the only thing we could do to save the country."

    Hollow words since he knew he would eventually get the Nobel Prize with that other traitor Mandela. DeKlerk knew the plan and it would not be much longer until SA went over the edge, so a couple of weeks after the diamond deal, the IMF came back on schedule while Oppenhiemer pretended innocence and "informed" deKlerk of the next part of the plan for SA. They would flood the market with gold and destroy the economy if Mandela wasn't released.


    And there we have it, the unknown history of the capitulation of South Africa, sold to the IMF and the UN by traitors like deKlerk through the pressure of worldview manipulation using Mandela, the poster boy for terror as the poster boy for peace, go figure?

    South Africa was a nation built of the blood and sweat of settlers and a land mass that was not really occupied by anyone.

    This nation is now usurped by IMF control to the detriment of everyone. The deKlerks, Mandelas, Mbekis, Zumas, all of them are simply meat puppets, not unlike Harper and Obama, that dance to the tune of their master, the IMF (read Rothschilds).

    Corruption, disease and murder run rampant and unchecked while infrastructure collapses and taxpayer money is funneled into political pockets and IMF debt schemes (read ponzi scams).

    My CO, Colonel Jordaan, said to me, "Once is happenstance, twice coincidence but three times is enemy action." We are well beyond three times.

    The day the Helderberg was destroyed, November 28, 1987, was the last day the people of South Africa had any form of self determination, it was the beginning of the end. Remember the date, not only for the loss of the country but for the loss of the innocent victims that died that fateful night, their families that still search for closure and those who continue to die on the human stage the IMF and UN constructed from greed of Rothschilds and their spawn.

    But cheer up, the worst is yet to come.

    A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.

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