Honestly if that 20 minutes is so important that you will fire people then it is time to look at your transport structure because I for one “if I was working for you” will take a photo of every traffic jam, pothole and keep records of every speeding ticket and let us not forget “extra hours because you have to be there 60minutes earlier than normal.”

And if that CCMA hearing comes I would state “I did everything humanly possible to get on work on time” hand them a hand full of photos and other records that “might be” relevant and then continue with the proceedings. Then I would love to be a fly on that wall.

See don’t get me wrong on your proposal I do feel people abuse excuses but sometimes one must understand that there are really not much you can do about this problem, because it is an inevitability that your employees will be late for work a few times, and by default “dismissal” becomes inevitable as well.

You are basically guaranteeing that your employees will get fired within the year “especially with our decaying roads and bad traffic”

There is some real potential for legal pitfalls here make sure that your system is not unreasonable and I bet you if you give your employees a bit of incentive they will not be late.