When I was still involved in big business some time ago I used to be ruthless. Sad part was, I was very good at my job. We always got the contracts always made the sales and hit max profit on each deal.

Our suppliers had to come to the table with the best offers they could and even then I manage to get that little extra. Needless to say the game became all too easy. All you need is confidence and know the product inside and out. Impressing your customer is one thing but to give them the wow factor made them more willing to sign a contact.

Fact is we were never the cheapest option on the table. All you need to do is to give your customer the confidence to pay more and feel good about it. Then give them that quality handshake and they will come back.

Making an offer is not a sign of weakness it shows that you did your homework and you know the market.

That said above all else know your limitations don’t show your limitations.