Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
Based on the physical dimensions of some of the strikers I've seen in the media, they could well do with a reduction in food intake.

Good one!
this is a very sensitive subject for me...i battle to keep my weight down...because i cant afford heathly food...the more junk food i eat the fatter i get...heathly food is not cheap and to belong to virgin or any other heath club isnt cheap either...they would need a bigger increase to sustain a heathly life style

i decided as a new years resolution 2 years ago to loose weight...

the first month cost

R800 for personal trainer for 1 month to get me into the swing of things
R1200 increase in mothly food budget

i lost 10 kg in that january

I decided to carry on without the personal trainer and save the R800
my food budget stayed the same because of all the food i had to consume on the weighless program...over a period of 3 months i lost an addtional 10 kg and almost reached my goal weigh of 96 kg...missed it by 4 kg.

my point is eating healthy is expensive...i am sure anyone else who has given up smoking will tell you it isnt easy keeping your weight down...sometimes i wonder if it wouldnt be easier and cheaper to rather smoke...only cost about R300 a month and i maintain my weight with ease...
and i save because i dont eat as much and dont need to worry about eating heathly because i am killing myself with the cigarettes.

i agree with these strikers...if the top brass can afford the lifestyles they do...why cant they take a 15 % reduction in their life styles to allow the civiel servants a 15 % increase...the fact that they are lazy and dont work goes back to top management for not putting effective programs and structures to improve productivity.