The truth is all of us will have to look at Property Development eventually and more importantly how to manage it. In this case I wish to start with “A large piece of property” Now complexes is a good way to start and it might even be possible to attract investors.

The truth is however not a lot of people “including myself” are limited in our understanding to start the process with confidence. Now don’t get me wrong I am not looking for investors or developers “yet” what I am looking for is all the trouble your can run into while developing your property and slowly converting to a complex.

a>> what do you need to do to convert your property into a complex?
1== where do you go, what do you ask for and how does the system work in general.
2== water and draining systems “who is responsible and how do you do this legally.
3== installation of electricity “who is responsible and how do you do this legally.

b>> is there a time frame to erect buildings and what is the specifications.

Right I have a million more questions but let’s start with the basics and work our way up to the more complicated stuff.
