Okay the way I understand it is your invoice should be one page long and if you have more products then what can fit on one the page you add the other products to an new invoice(please correct me if I'm wrong).If so do you add the total's for the products per invoice at the bottom where it say's "Total",the reason I ask is that if you do put the totals for the products per invoice how does it then work if you charge for all the products as one order total?

Here's an example:

Lets say a customer buy's products from me for R100 which is 10 products but my invoice length only allows me to add 5 products but the customer buy's 10,so the way I understand it is I make 2 invoices with 5 products each.But do I show the total for the 5 products per invoice(R50) when I charge them for 10 (R100) and show a total for 10 on my website cart total?