Negotiation is often about compromise. Its like going on your first date and expecting a kiss, but having to settle for holding hands. There is however the prospect of a kiss on the next date.

My experience is that the best prepared and best informed are more likely to come out tops in negotiations.

In your example the seller does what is expected of sellers; he makes a ridiculous offer of R20,000. The buyer is prepared to pay the asking price and is happy with the deal. The seller has not done any research or tested the market. He therefore thinks that the buyer is mad to accept the deal and is happy to sell.

Although there was no negotiation, both parties were happy with the deal. The seller received more than double what he aimed for and the buyer got the deal of a lifetime. So a win - win situation was achieved. Any regrets by the seller is due to his own incompetency and can not be blamed on the buyer.