Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
I've been keeping a weather eye on developments as I need to know if it's going to affect my offshore private server rental. Pretty safe to say if the hosting company has to register for VAT in SA, they're rather going to give me the heave ho than register for what would be just a small handful of clients, and I'm going to have to rearrange a few things pretty quickly.
It will be interesting to see how this works itself out - it is exactly the same kind of thing that I'm wondering about (we have an offshore server, and use a few other offshore services too). I wonder if PayPal potentially offers a work around (in the case that the offshore company withdraws their services). Alternatively there are going to be a lot of people scrambling to organise offshore credit cards.

Just to make it clear, I have no problem paying the VAT, I'm just concerned about how this is going to work itself out practically and what the knock-on effect will be.

I would be pretty satisfied with the system Victor has suggested.