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Thread: power tools

  1. #1
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    power tools

    what is your favourite power tool for the job

    mine is the hilti 36 volt battery drill for wall plugs raw bolt etc

    bosch 10.8 volt for everything else including tightening circuit breakers screws you name it

    14 volt hilti battey macnime for holesaws etc ...and when working isolated location where there is no power the 36 volt hilti always comes to the rescue by just changing the chuck over to use for holes saws etc

  2. #2
    Email problem mother's Avatar
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    May girls also participate here?

    My Ryobi drill press is my bestest friend! I got him 2 years ago because I needed a drill press, but couldn't afford any of the "good" brands. I read your other Bosch thread, murdock, and let me tell you, this boy works hard, and he has outlasted some of my other better branded tools!

  3. #3
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    i read a comment on one of the yotube clips i was watching and a good way to describe a quality tool is one that can work 100 times and hour and not a 100 times a month...after saying thast i have the utmost respect for these little 10.8 volt machines...on one of the projects i worked on i had 3 charges running 20 hours a day rotating batteries all day and night long...

    one of the reasons i use hilti products is because of their repairs in the first year...not that i have ever had to use it but i own a TE 55 which i have had since i started my bussiness and boy does this machine work...after 15 years i sent it in for repairs...i got a packet back with the rotor...bearings...seals...basically every moving part was replaced...for 25 % the value of a replacement tool.

    i used a ryobi cut off saw for many years...then about 2 years ago i rplaced it with a makita dual slide rail 255 mm cut off saw ...all i am gona say is... WOW...what a difference...i have still got some of my ryobi DIY wood working tools as back was all i could aford at the time...and they all still work...just very rough in comparison to the makita stuff.

  4. #4
    Email problem
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    Hi there!

    Not really related to my favourite power tool, but I was hoping one of you may be able to help. My company is in need of long flexible drill bits, basically a regular drill bit mounted to a long flexible shaft, for drilling deep holes into grouting. There are a couple of suppliers in North America, but none that I have been able to find here in SA. I cannot think that there is not a single supplier of flexible drill bits here; it's not that specialised a product.

    Any thoughts on where I may be able to find something like this? Any help would be appreciated.


  5. #5
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    Surely it has to be a chainsaw.

    Ideally I would say pneumatic drill -but unfortunately I have never had the privilege to ply with one of those

  6. #6
    Gold Member Sparks's Avatar
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    The only Ryobi I have is a 230mm grinder, it is still an "original", not made in China. 18Years old now. I have only replaced the switch once. It helps to clean the power tools with a compressor at the end of the day. Unfortunately the "made in China" Ryobi's do not come close to the "originals".

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