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Thread: Pastel Recon upated

  1. #1
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    Pastel Recon upated


    I hope someone can help with my problem.

    First off; I've updated all the entries in the cash book, and I've done the recon up until the end of June. It was in balance with my bank statement. Then, I've done the recon up to the end of July and I'm out with an amount of +/-R1,200.00 Then, I went day by day, to look for the amount captured incorrectly, only to find that the problem was on the 31st of July, but the entries on the bank statement and the entries showing on the recon screen on pastel was exactly the same for that day, no extra amounts, or incorrect amounts.

    Getting ahead of myself, just before I clicked to go back to the first screen of the recon, I accidentally clicked on update, which updated all the entries, so now I'm sitting with a difference on the recon, and obviously the pastel balance and actual bank balance differs. Is there anyway I can undo the update of the entries in the Recon screen? And where do I have to go look for the amount that I'm out with?

    When I view the "Cash Book Details" screen, it gives me the same balance as the bank statement. So I'm really unsure as to where to go look for the problem.

    I did run a "Data Integrity" check, and it came back with no errors. What/where should I go to fix this?

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    You can "undo" the reconciliations by going to Change...Reconcile/Unreconcile Cash Book, and then select the month range you require.

    Have you compared the closing balance on the detailed ledger report with the closing balance on the cashbook details report?

    If there is a difference, then it is possible that an entry has been allocated directly to the cashbook ledger account, rather than via the cashbook payment/receipts journal. That would cause an entry to appear in the detailed ledger of the cashbook, but not appear in the cashbook details report.

    The most common situation in which the above would occur is when you have multiple cashbooks and there is a transfer of funds from one cashbook to another. The correct way of processing such transfers is to first process a cashbook payments entry in the "sending" cashbook journal, and allocate it to a suspense account (you can call it Cash Transfer Account), and then to process a cashbook receipts entry in the "receiving" cashbook journal, and allocate it to the same suspense account.
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

  3. #3
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    Thanks, I will do the "undo" of the reconciliations.

    Yes, I've checked the detailed ledger report vs the balance on the cash book detail report. They do differ. The TB balance shows the wrong amount, yet the Cash book detail report shows the correct amount.

    There is no use of multiple cash books. It's only the one cash book, there is however the use of POS.

    Should I maybe pull a cash book detailed report and compare that with the detailed ledger of the bank account?
    How can there show a difference on the recon screen, if the entry did not go through the cash book?

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