what happpens if the summons is issued in jhb for an account held in the cape...? where would the court case be held?

here is an example...what if the bank sends you a notification of an amount that your over draft is to be reduced...you agree and pay it every month for... lets say 3 years then one month due to unforseen circumstances...you pay late...but also pay and addtional amount of money to prevent it from happening again...and then pay 3 month ahead...should the bank hand you over to an attorney firm collection of the full amount plus 15.5 % interest legal cost and fees added(at a cost of over R1000 made up of ..R500 for judgement...R500 for summons...plus sheriff costs)...and should you receive a summons as a standard proceedure...and and then issued by the by the sheriff?

how do you know if the sheriff actually isses the summons...surely he should have some form of identification and an address and contact number to verify if he is legit...issued with the summons....and surely he should make you sign for the document...and most importantly give you an original document...not a piece of paper stamped "copy" full of stamps with stamped signitures....from the clerk of the court.