Hi Taswell,
I agree with Ian, you need to look to the future, but I understand this can be traumatising and it does affect your work record.

I'm no labour lawyer/consultant, but I had something similar happen to me a couple of years ago. After I was dismissed, which I felt was unfairly, I took the company to the CCMA. This is your only recourse now and there are two ways you can do it.
1. You can do it through a labour lawyer or a consultant
2. Do it yourself.
And obviously, you have the third option of just accepting the outcome. (not the best solution)

I used option two. I did this because, while I was looking for work, it kept me very busy and I believed that I could do it myself. And like you, I wanted a clean slate, when applying for work. This to me was important.

Doing it yourself though, can be nerve racking, stressful and quite daunting, but if you've prepared properly with all the facts, backed up by evidence and you win, it can be exhilarating. Also there is a lot of procedure that needs to be followed, which can put one off.

After three months, my case was heard and I won. I was well compensated, and the company was not allowed to say that I was dismissed, but rather I was retrenched. ( I got a letter to this effect).

Although I can't advise you what the best course of action is, there is no need to take it lying down, especially if you feel you have been done by.

Let's hear what the labour experts have to say.