Poll: Are you in favour of the death penalty being re-introduced for serious crimes?

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Thread: The Death Penalty

  1. #21
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    I'm in agreement with Anthony on this. The death penalty is unlikely to change the crime rate much, if at all. Its the conviction rate that has to be increased.

    An armed robber is unlikely to have the view: Oh well if I get caught its only 30 years in jail and not a death penalty. He simply doesn't believe he is likely to get caught.

  2. #22
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    I find it interesting that people would think that prison is working. Basically the prison today is a criminal school. When people go to prison some get’s rehabilitated others learn from other criminals how to become a better criminal.

    So the problem is not killing prisoners, it is managing prisoners. Yes it is true that the violent crimes can be punished by the death penalty and I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with prisoners getting out of jail damaged, "raped" and full of hate towards humanity and that will lead up to violent crime!

    If you protect and educate the prisoner and give her/him hope for the future, value towards freedom and life they will be less willing to go and steal again because second time around they will lose more because they will actually value more.
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  3. #23
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    Forced hard labour would be a great deterrent and provide ample punishment. Who knows, after time they may even rehabilitate them...

  4. #24
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Forced hard labour? Right I would imagine the worst job imaginable then? Under a mine with nothing but a headlight and an air driven power tool to cut through a wall while everything around you can gave in at any moment or a spark of your air-tool hitting a rock can set off an explosion that would kill you. We call that normal?

    Fact is hard work is a norm and fact is people that do that type of work can die, thus punishing people with an honest day’s work, would be rather pointless because when there punishment is over, you not only showed them that the jobs they will probably get is hell, you may even convince them that they had it better being a criminal.
    peace is a state of mind
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  5. #25
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    Death penalty

    Human rights???,I am sad to say that in this beautiful country of ours there is no such thing as human rights when it comes to criminals,the problem is actually population,to many people to little jobs,and the origin of most horrific crimes comes from townships,monkey see monkey do,thats just the way it is,if they not willing to work the first time round how the hell will they the second time,how do u propose to educate that,let me put this out there,if u go to the United Arab Emirates,and u steal,they cut ur hands off,if u rape they cut ur penis off,what is the crime rate there at the moment???????????,any serious pnishment like that has proven to work.....or am i wrong?

  6. #26
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    Hi there,

    I disagree completely with the death penalty. It is a cruel, inhuman and unusual punishment. The Constitutional Court held that there were no evidence that the death penalty had any a greater force than life imprisonment. Tell me, what would you prefer, life imprisonment or death??? Handing power of life and death over to the state? No, sir...

    Also, our justice system is not ready for this, as the odds of a miscarriage of justice is to high.

    Mr Smit

  7. #27
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    Hi Dave,

    In response to your question about their right to vote, I believe they are entitled to that right. They are put under the complete control of the government for the time of inprisonment. They should atleast have the chance to help decide who will take care of them while in prison...

    Mr Smit

  8. #28
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbsmit View Post
    Hi Dave,

    In response to your question about their right to vote, I believe they are entitled to that right. They are put under the complete control of the government for the time of inprisonment. They should atleast have the chance to help decide who will take care of them while in prison...

    Mr Smit
    They forfeited their right when the committed the crime. The victim can no longer vote, which means that the criminal gets a double value for his vote. You commit the crime you have no say in the government affairs - period!

    When you committed the crime you had total disregard for the victim and the government, so why should the criminal have the pleasure of voting the government out.
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  9. #29
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbsmit View Post
    In response to your question about their right to vote, I believe they are entitled to that right. They are put under the complete control of the government for the time of inprisonment. They should atleast have the chance to help decide who will take care of them while in prison...
    An interesting argument, but can their judgement be trusted given that it was poor judgement that had them doing a criminal act and got them in jail in the first place?

  10. #30
    Gold Member Sparks's Avatar
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    Why bother reinstating the death penalty if it is not going to be applied?

    It'll just cost the state a lot of money in printing more useless legislation again.
    Last edited by Sparks; 21-Oct-11 at 08:06 AM. Reason: never saw how far the discussion had gone

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