It is personal. I am an Accredited Electrician and look what has been done to my industry. I go to bed knowing someone and their family are safe because of my effort. Look at what I must do to be legal, yet, the government makes matters worse rather than better. If that is not shortsited it must be stupidity. My COC is issued free of charge, the time spent inspecting premises is paid for whereafter a quote is submitted for the repairs required to bring the installation up to standard. The COC is certification that everything is compliant(broadly a gaurantee) how can this be charged for. Look how long it takes to complete the COC, not to mention entering all the data on the PC for record keeping. Why can we not get a editable printable document and do everything on the PC once and then just have a template for the installation details. We all have registration numbers. Why not use our registration numbers and add 6 digits which we can then consequently allocate to each COC we issue. I better stop now there is too much that is wrong.