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  1. #1
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    Banks limited to lending out and borrowing the amount of money they can pay back, they do it to us, why should they be different?

    Managers who earn fat bonusses being held personally responsible if their decisions result in dragging a bank down, same as if I drag my business down the creditors come to me.

    Paying a greater percentage of the money they earn as interest, after all if they earn less than expected they are quick to reduce the interest they pay us.

    Banks should not be permitted to speculate, look what the sub-prime market did to us and we didn't even have any exposure.

    On the subject of the Reserve Bank, I see Mboweni is being sued!

  2. #2
    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    hello all- just joined.
    by the way - do u know that Barclays of england is majority shareholder of ABSA & Nathan Rothschild owns 56 % of Barclays?

  3. #3
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    ..and so the pieces of the puzzle shall come it's written, so shall it be....all that was hidden shall be revealed....

    And so we see who owns: ABSA - Today, 2mw, foreva???

    Some would then think to move their accounts elsewhere, once familiarising themselves with the Rothschilds' ethics concerning Banking. Here a bit of history and quotes for those who plead ignorance still and for those who revel in the truth:
    "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes it's laws" Mayer Amschel Rothschild - Founder of Rothschilds banking dynasty
    "This remarkable coup could only have been achieved by a complex series of dealings, many of which were encased in a secrecy which cannot now be penetrated." - Derek Wilson, discussing how, in only 5 years (1810-1815), Nathan Rothschild became the main banker for the British government and the Bank of England (If only Derek knew what the "The Forum SA" would be"

    "I am a tremendous success… leaping from bed to bed like a mountain goat. . . .I was always convinced my father had won his spurs riding my grandmother's chambermaids." - Philippe Rothschild

    "Working through the Wall Street firms of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and J. P. Morgan Co., the Rothschilds financed John D. Rockefeller so that he could create the Standard Oil empire. They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman [railroads] and Andrew Carnegie [steel]. - William T. Still

    Readers, please don't forget that the STD Oil Co. of Rockerfeller sold $20 million dollars of oil to Hitler to assist in Bombing London...the same place where all his "loyal clients" banked...WTF? No one is safe!!!

    ..apples don't fall far from their tree....only catch matter which bank you move your funds buying or selling without the mark! here is wisdom what what ....Rev.

    It's not about being positive, hopefull and having a resilient those are endless events...what we have here is a concerning finite event that has to come to an end and bring with it all those who faithfully accepted their bank account number and goodies that are on thier way...chips.

    What must be must be....

    Quite correct - 666 is coming -- speaking of the decaying West and the Rising East (Dragon Land) When the first beast looks to the second beast and gives praise to it, The Dragon shall rise... Rev 13v 11: "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast,...16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark ...."

    Now why would Absa's owners(Rothschilds) be recieving the Dragon Awards from the City of London?

    What an exciting time before us....
    Last edited by Frankincense; 03-Feb-09 at 06:24 PM.

  4. #4
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    @Wynn "Managers who earn fat bonusses being held personally responsible if their decisions result in dragging a bank down, same as if I drag my business down the creditors come to me."

    I don't think we agree in understanding of modern banking... bonuses for this year are still an obsene amount, despite banks writing off billions of dollars and some going bust. Merrill Lynch will pay $6.7 billion in bonuses despite a 70% slide in its stockprice and five straight quarters of losses. That's an average $110,000 for each of its 60,900 people! CEO John Thain received a $15 million bonus when he was hired in December, and now Merrills has been swallowed by Bank of America.... please note they may not be held ACCOUNTABLE. Like I keep explaining, they are rolling out a global consolidation for humanities enslavement through transactional banking and numbers...their numbers...the number of...wisdom...Huge bonuses are a right instead of a privilege. Until mistakes are properly punished(not in t6h6i6s time), nothing will change. Many people claim one reason why bankers should be paid so much, is because of the risk of losing their jobs the very next day. Well, let me put it this way: If one has sold one's soul to the devil to do his work, instead of good things you speak of, like volunteering to be held accountable, then one deserves the earth in retrun from Satan. get it?

    "Goldman Sachs ready to hand out £7bn salary and bonus package".

    Wynn, I dont think you have realised that Banks do not operate within your ideas of "sound business principles" anymore....they decide what the principle will they are now consolidating and becoming invincible as the Global Financial New World Order was written...

    moving along...
    Last edited by Frankincense; 03-Feb-09 at 07:15 PM.

  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    This one is kinda offtopic, but I can't resist mentioning it. When I read:
    Quote Originally Posted by Francois View Post
    "I am a tremendous success… leaping from bed to bed like a mountain goat. . . .I was always convinced my father had won his spurs riding my grandmother's chambermaids." - Philippe Rothschild
    The first thing that popped into my head was AIDS showers

    This, however, is very disturbing news
    Quote Originally Posted by msmoorad View Post
    by the way - do u know that Barclays of england is majority shareholder of ABSA & Nathan Rothschild owns 56 % of Barclays?
    And Maria Ramos is going to work for ABSA, and she and Trevor Manuel are known to share a room from time to time, and Trevor is SA's minister of finance...

    The plot thickens

  6. #6
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    The Global Crisis Child is in our backyard already sharpening it's rows of huge bloodstained teeth getting ready to devour all our children of Africa through deception and social manipulation....Today, Tomorrow, Foreva

  7. #7
    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    yes- i was about to point out that bit- Trevor Manuel & Maria Ramos -another axis of evil? they are married to each other?
    im sure those 2 know better than most what is going on- who is pulling the strings & who is really running/controlling the country.

    i dont know if guys have come across this anywhere:
    PS im was trying to attach a .doc file but is bigger than the allowed size. so ill just try to copy & paste it
    The Brotherhood at work in South Africa.

    The terms "Brotherhood" and "global elite" are used in this document to describe collectively the people and organizations that through control of the banks and industries, through politics and through murder, are running the world as we know it today. All of the elite of this Brotherhood can be traced back to a few families. A hand full of people, in terms of the world's population, are running this planet.... (also known as Illuminati)

    David has set this out in great detail in "The Biggest Secret" so I will not attempt to do so again. He also believes that these families and people are of reptilian origin, and there is ample evidence to support this. I will dedicate a later newsletter to this - apart from the sources that David quotes, various others exist that point to the fact that there is indeed a reptilian race o*n earth, and that some of it's echelons have interbred with specific human bloodlines. And these people form the Brotherhood or global elite.

    This Brotherhood is involved all over the world, in overt and more often in covert operations and actions, all of which are aimed at unifying the world into a o*ne state, o*ne world government and economy. o*nce they achieve this, the masks will come off and they will come out of their hiding places, and we will all stand under a tyranny as has not been seen for tens of thousands of years.

    The purpose of this newsletter is to show how they have been active in South Africa, and in Africa, as well as what they are currently planning. If we can form a clear idea of their plan, we can stop them, as we must.

    That is also the reason that I chose the murder of Dr. Verwoerd as the first topic - I hope that it will show beyond a doubt that these people are active here, and have been for a long time. I am also hoping that it will show current events up in a light that shed new understanding of where we may be heading.

    The murder of Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd - a turning point in the struggle for South Africa.


    The struggle for South Africa is, even in contemporary history, an old one - some 350 years old.

    And this struggle has not just been between white and black, but also against, and amongst, the different factions of the global Brotherhood elite.

    First the Dutch, then the British, again the Dutch and so on, controlled the Cape, and thus the vital and lucrative sea route to the East.
    The British furthermore had a foothold in Natal as well as in Rhodesia.

    The first Freemasons landed in South Africa when Jan van Riebeeck landed in Cape Town harbour on April 6, 1652.

    For the first 180 odd years, the expansion of the settlers was restricted to what can be loosely termed the Southern Cape. Whether this was by design is debatable, but the fact remains that the Great Trek of 1838 caught them unawares.

    I believe a further surprise was the gold strike o*n the Reef. There is ample reason to believe that the Brotherhood was aware of gold having been mined in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) as long as 60 to 100 000 years ago. That is the reason that Rhodes pushed for Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and largely ignored the land in-between there and the Cape.

    The initial Voortrekkers moved out from under British rule because they wanted freedom. Pretorius and Retief were the first known Freemasons to join them - and o*nly about 18 months later.

    Now consider this:
    The initial Voortrekkers lived quite peacefully and in harmony with the black peoples of Africa.
    Both Retief and Pretorius were wealthy farmers in the Cape, that had no reason to give up their lands and join the Trek - and yet they did.
    Retief and Pretorius (amongst others) immediately assumed leadership positions within the Voortrekkers.
    Immediately after this the friction with the black tribes started. Now consider what happened to the indigenous tribes in the United States, Australia and New Zealand, when the Brotherhood colonized those countries. At the battle of Blood River, Sarel Cilliers warned the burghers that no woman or child was to be touched during the ensuing pursuit, that war was o*nly to be made o*n men, and that they o*nly had to be pursued until hostilities had ceased. Cilliers was never a Freemason, but had great authority amongst the Voortrekkers, as a religious leader.

    When the first republics were formed - Natal, The Orange Free State, the Transvaal and the smaller splinter groups like Stellaland etc. the Freemasons were already in the process of entrenching themselves in the political leadership of these republics.
    Steyn, of the Free State, was a high order Freemason. This is where the Orange in the republic's name comes from - it refers to the house of Orange - the Dutch royal family, and highest order initiates of the Freemasons and global Brotherhood elite.
    Far fetched?
    Steyn signed over Kimberly to Cecil John Rhodes, who was then the British High Commissioner of the Cape, in a very shady deal, shortly before the diamond find became public knowledge. Maps were redrawn and backdated and approved by Steyn, in order that Kimberly would fall just inside the Cape Province.
    And not just inside the Orange Free State, as was rightly the case.

    Both the Boer Wars, but specifically the second o*ne, was about o*ne thing and o*ne thing o*nly. Control of South Africa, and specifically the gold and diamond mines.

    Paul Kruger tried to negotiate a settlement with the British government, in order to avoid a war. Kruger was never a Freemason, but some of his senior generals were.

    And he succeeded. Yes, that's right - he succeeded.
    The Second Boer War should not have happened.
    The British government sent a telegram to Lord Milner, who had succeeded Rhodes as British High Commissioner of the Cape, accepting the terms that Kruger had proposed during discussions with Milner in Bloemfontein.

    After the negotiations in Bloemfontein, that Milner, by his own admission, had done everything in his power to derail, he, Milner, went to Britain to canvas the Freemasons in the British government in order to force a war. Milner was afraid that the British government would accept Kruger's proposal. Despite Milner's efforts, the government did accept Kruger's proposal.

    The British government sent Milner a telegram, shortly after he arrived back in South Africa, instructing him to tell Paul Kruger that they had accepted his offer.

    Milner, again by his own admission, held back this telegram, for several weeks, until he could force a war, through amongst other things, the Jameson raid.
    In June of 1900, Milner admitted to Lord Roberts, the then Commander in Chief of the British forces in South Africa: "I precipitated the crisis, which was inevitable, before it was too late ……. It is not a very agreeable and, in many eyes, not a very creditable piece of business to have been largely instrumental in bringing about a big war."
    A crisis had to be sped up before it was too late - and because it was inevitable?
    Something seems fuzzy about this logic. Especially as we have seen that the British government of the day had accepted Kruger's proposal. The British government's sentiments can be best summed up as follows:

    "A war in South Africa would be o*ne of the most serious wars that could possibly be waged. It would be in the nature of a Civil War. It would be a long war, a bitter war and a costly war…….it would leave behind it the embers of a strife which I believe generations would hardly be long enough to extinguish ……… to go to war with President Kruger, to force upon him reforms in the internal affairs of his state, with which we have repudiated all right of interference - that would be a course of action as immoral as it would be unwise" - Joseph Chamberlain, speaking as the Colonial Secretary in the House of Commons, May 1896.

    Prophetic words. And yet Milner and others schemed to have Chamberlain removed from office, and convinced themselves and Britain to go to war - a war that was popularly believed would be a small and short o*ne. Something in the nature of a three month sport shoot.

    Milner forced the war because he and the instigators o*n the Rand (Reef) were losing face and credibility and it looked as if Kruger would not o*nly be able to avoid a war, but retain the political power as well.

    Milner was backed and influenced by none other than Wehrner, Barnato, Beit, Rhodes and Fitzpatrick (of Jock of the Bushveld fame). They in fact contributed some £ 7 000 000 to the initial war effort and the Jameson raid. (In today's terms, at 7% per annum inflation, that is some £ 6 Billion).

    They could not shift Kruger politically, so they went to war. Even though the government of the day in Britain did not want the war - they just went ahead and did it, by putting the government in a position that it would need to "protect" British citizens and rights or loose face - and to this day, there is not a single gold mine that belongs to anybody related to the Voortrekkers or the original black people of this country. (Don't be fooled by the deal that Anglo - American struck with black empowerment groups like Naali and others - those mines were long worked out and non-profitable -they basically sold a non existent asset to these people, took the money, and let them go into liquidation, and bought the mines back at a fraction of the cost that they had sold them for.)

    Jan Smuts was the chief legal council for Kruger, and was present during the negotiations in Bloemfontein. He wanted to make greater and more concessions to Milner, ostensibly to avoid the war.

    And in a certain sense, this would have avoided the war - but it would also have given the Rand Lords (goldmine owners and part of the global elite) political and financial control over the Transvaal - which Kruger wanted to avoid. This desire to give so much away in terms of political freedom, was the main thing that Kruger did not like about his young State Attorney.

    Let's look at the back ground of Smuts. He came up from the Cape as a young and bright attorney, to offer his services to Kruger a year or two before the war broke out. Kruger never really liked him, but made use of his knowledge. Why would Smuts exchange cosmopolitan Cape Town for dusty Pretoria?

    One - Smuts was the first Rhodes Scholar out of South Africa. Rhodes Scholarships were (and are still) bestowed o*n bright young people that the Brotherhood has already, or is planning to, recruit for their purposes and cause. These students are also by and large out of Brotherhood families or bloodlines.

    Two - there is strong evidence that Smuts was the illegitimate child of Cecil John Rhodes. Smuts' mother was in Rhodes' employ as a hand maiden, left his employ suddenly, (because she was pregnant) and married Smuts' "father" in the Cape. This according to the sister of Smuts' "father". She lived in Krige street in Silverton in Pretoria in the old family farmhouse.

    the country after Three - Smuts, and others, had to be in position, in case the war got out of hand. Smuts fought with the Boers, and fought bravely. But he was one of the main figures involved in talking the Boers into signing the Peace of Vereeniging. The bitter Boers were not keen to surrender, at all. They had already lost just about everything that they had, including women and children in the concentration camps, so they wanted to carry on fighting till the bitter end. They had nothing to lose, except their freedom. Yet Smuts and Botha, amongst others, talked them into signing their freedom away.

    Four - Smuts was a known Freemason, of high order.

    At the time of the peace, there were some 14 000 Boers left in the veld, and there were 350 000 (three hundred and fifty thousand) British soldiers in South Africa.

    It has recently transpired that the British government could not have financially afforded the war for more than another month or so. According to documents released recently under the British Secrecy Act (which allows documents to be kept secret for long periods of time) the war cost Britain between £ 191 000 000 and £ 200 000 000 - in those days. That is some £ 170 billion in today's terms.

    More than the cost of the Second World War (to Britain) and some 40 to 50 times the estimated total cost of the Gulf War.

    Could this be why Smuts, that was in the veld as a bitter ender, suddenly started advocating peace so fervently?

    Another role player was Louis Botha. Botha let several opportunities to win the war, by defeating Generals White and Buller, "slip" through his fingers in Natal.

    Guess who were known Freemasons? And guess who got to run the Peace of Vereeniging? When Smuts was ousted by Botha's party, Smuts was "given" the Standerton constituency - Botha simply did not contest the by-election. This allowed Smuts to climb back into power later.

    They were in fact never in opposition, but two sides of the same coin - as evidenced by the coalition government formed by them around the time of the First World war. A government that unpopularly involved South Africa o*n the side of Britain in the war - a decision that led to the rebellion of 1914.

    For a more complete history, I can recommend "The Boer War" by Thomas Pakenham. Note specifically the quotations from Milner's diary.
    Especially an entry about how circumspect he had to be in promoting the war, which reads something to the effect of: "one can o*nly entrust this agenda to the highest initiates" (The quote may not be exact, but the reference to "initiates" is accurate.) Packenham never picked up o*n this, but it is obvious Milner was referring to Freemason initiates, given the whole history of the war.

    Another aspect of this war, that is not widely known, and that deserves some serious attention, is that some 14 000 blacks died in the concentration camps, in the sieges and in the veld with the Boers.
    A lot of blacks went to war with the Boers, to keep the British out of South Africa, and a lot of them died in the camps alongside Boer woman and children, whom they loyally tried to support in their suffering. It was also mainly black people that fed and sheltered the bitter enders after Kitchener had literally burnt the country to the ground.

    After this, the global elite, through the British Crown, had control over South Africa and the gold and mineral wealth. one simple example of this total control is the Diamond act. De Beers, and therefore the elite, own every single diamond in this country. Even if you pick it up on your farm - it belongs to them - and it is law. This is also one of the few, if not the only countries in the world where you need a license to buy and sell diamonds for purposes other than personal jewelry.

    And they maintained control until Afrikaner Nationalism came to the fore as a strong political force. This was a further unforeseen event, from the perspective of the Brotherhood.

    One of the first things that they tried to do was to stop South Africa from becoming a republic. When this failed, they started fostering political unrest.

    Don't misunderstand me. I am not trying to evaluate the right and wrong in the history of this country as far as amongst other things, apartheid is concerned. I am trying to give the picture from the perspective of the Brotherhood elite. And to them it was never about apartheid or freedom or anything else. It was, and still is, purely and simply about control of this country, continent and the world.

    This is where Verwoerd came into the picture. After the Boer War and up to 1948 and more specifically Verwoerd, the Brotherhood had South Africa pretty much where they wanted.

    Verwoerd was their next Kruger.

    The murder of Verwoerd.

    There was in fact a previous attempt on Verwoerd's life - on April 9, 1960 to be exact. The would be assassin in this case was an Englishman, David Beresford Pratt. Pratt shot Verwoerd in the head at close range, but Verwoerd survived the attack.

    Unconfirmed reports exist that Pratt had been influenced, by MI6(British Intelligence), since the late 1950's to make an attempt o*n Verwoerd's life.

    If these reports could be confirmed, they would fit into the picture and would certainly indicate that the Brotherhood-elite had prior knowledge of the attempt (first) on Verwoerd's life.

    Let's take a look at the following events, also taking place in 1960, and around the time of the first attempt on Verwoerd's life:
    The Sharpeville protest and ensuing massacre, a month before Pratt's attempt. This protest was organised, instigated and funded by the African-American Institute - the front organisation for the global elite's Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which was linked to the CIA and Oppenheimer. Why they were willing to expend innocent black people for their own agenda will become clear shortly.
    There were several other marches and protests country wide, after the Sharpeville march, instigated and funded by the same African-American Institute.
    Country wide strikes took place.
    Sanctions and pressure, through the Oppenheimer and Rupert newspapers, on the Nationalist government was stepped up.
    Paul Sauer, a minister in Verwoerd's cabinet made a speech shortly after the attempt o*n Verwoerd's life, to the effect that a more moderate approach was needed and that apartheid had to go. He was lauded as the man "to lead South Africa out of the swamp" by the Oppenheimer and Rupert newspapers.

    The only thing that went wrong, was that Verwoerd survived.

    See if this makes sense:

    You have prior knowledge that there is going to be an attempt o*n Verwoerd's life. If you can then create an atmosphere of political unrest, protest marches (preferably with the loss of black lives), create additional pressure by means of sanctions, sliding stock prices, country wide strikes etc, and the attempt on Verwoerd's life is successful, you would have a country about to slide into total anarchy.

    Now you have a leader, the Freemason Paul Sauer, to step forward from the ranks of the Nationalists and preach a more moderate approach that would satisfy the world, and make all the bad things go away.

    You would have a situation where the National Party would be leaderless, in a country o*n the verge of anarchy
    Last edited by Dave A; 05-Feb-09 at 03:25 PM. Reason: clean out of office tags

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    Frankincense (05-Feb-09)

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    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    Now you have a leader, the Freemason Paul Sauer, to step forward from the ranks of the Nationalists and preach a more moderate approach that would satisfy the world, and make all the bad things go away.

    You would have a situation where the National Party would be leaderless, in a country o*n the verge of anarchy. And with the support of your men in the National Party, you could force a coalition government with the United Party. (See Oppenheimer's speech below).

    This would automatically mean that the Nationalist agenda would have to be at the very least, modified. Which in effect would mean an eventual take over of power by your party - the United Party. (Which was largely funded by Oppenheimer&Co)

    The only thing that went wrong was that Verwoerd survived.

    Or was it?

    Sauer had overplayed his hand in the belief that either Verwoerd was going to die, or that the situation in the country was so far out of control that he could go ahead, even if Verwoerd survived.

    Sauer was the Brotherhood's first Vorster.

    Sauer got sacked for his efforts, but the attempt on Verwoerd's life had one favorable spin-off for the Brotherhood. Verwoerd now mistrusted his minister of Justice - and he promoted their man Vorster, from deputy minister to minister of Justice.

    Pratt was close enough to Verwoerd to literally have been able to put a pistol (he was armed with two!) against Verwoerd's head. Yet he shot him through the cheek. He wounded him quite severely none the less, but not fatally.

    It could very well be that Pratt had been set up to fail, so as to cast blame, suspicion and mistrust on Erasmus, the then Minister of Justice, and Vorster's boss. Erasmus was, like Vorster after him, tasked with the personal safety and security arrangements of the Prime Minister.

    If Pratt indeed intended to fail, this would allow the Brotherhood to get their Brutus into place. All they now had to do was to get him closer to Caesar.

    The method used, was to sell him as the next Caesar.

    As you shall see, they did this very effectively.

    The role of Harry Oppenheimer.

    At the death of Sir Ernest Oppenheimer in 1957, Harry Oppenheimer took over the reigns of the Anglo-American empire - an empire that controls or controlled 40% of the world's gold production, 80% of the world's diamond production and o*ne sixth of the world's coal production.
    And he certainly was not going to let Verwoerd or anybody else, get in the way of all that.
    Oppenheimer initially played the more overt role in trying to remove the National Party from power. In 1951 he formed the "United South Africa Trust Fund" to try and bring the Nationalist government to a fall in the elections of 1953 (through the United Party). Some £1 000 000 was donated to this fund, by amongst others Oppenheimer himself. (Over 1 billion rand in today's terms). As we know, this attempt failed - the Nationalists won this election by a larger majority than in 1948.
    In 1960 Oppenheimer formed, with the help of amongst others his friend Eric Gallo the "South African Foundation".
    In Oppenheimer's own words, the aim of the Foundation was as follows: "To summarize: the immediate task of the South African Foundation is to create an atmosphere within which it would be possible to create a coalition of moderate elements in the Government and Opposition. In reality this is the entry of the great Moneypower into politics. It is high time. My business colleagues have allowed the situation to deteriorate for too long" - Africa South - April/June edition, 1960, volume 4 number 3.

    The atmosphere needed for such a coalition to be formed had to be one of a leaderless National party in a country on the verge of sliding into anarchy. Or alternatively, getting your man into position as the leader of the Nationalist party.

    In both cases that would mean assassinating Verwoerd.


    In the same article, Oppenheimer goes further: "It is futile to try and replace Verwoerd at the polls. This, I believe, is accepted by everybody. Is there any alternative to the creation of the coalition of moderates that the Foundation is proposing? I think that I can claim the greatest credit for this exciting approach for myself; and yet, all that I have done is to allow myself to be led by what is in the interest of Anglo-American. Are you still unconvinced? How can what is good for Anglo - American, ever be bad for South Africa?"


    The Foundation was a front organisation of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), that allowed Henry Kissinger and Samuel Huntington influence in the highest echelons of South African politics.

    And when Kissinger takes your hand, bad things follow.

    Only when it became apparent that Verwoerd was not going to be defeated at the poll, did Oppenheimer become more involved in covert activities.

    It was at his house in Parktown, o*n July 27, 1964, that John Vorster was drawn into the plan to murder Verwoerd. Harry Oppenheimer and Anton Rupert were both present at this meeting. As was Quinton White (CFR and CIA agent and director of the SA Institute of Race Relations).

    The role of Anton Rupert.
    Anton Rupert came from nowhere, and made a fortune that rivals that of the Oppenheimers, in an amazingly short period of time - about 30 years. o*ne of the reasons he was able to do so, was that he was sponsored by the Rockerfellers. Although he does not have as high a public profile as for instance the Oppenheimers, he is at least as large a role player in getting the agenda of the global elite implemented.

    And he was directly involved in the murder of Verwoerd. In fact, he was the main driving force behind at least the second and successful attempt o*n Verwoerd's life.
    As far as can be ascertained, Rupert never met Tsafendas personally, but this is not to say that such a meeting never took place. Apart from the fact that he employed Tsafendas, and continued to support him financially after he was removed from Rothmans International, his car was used o*n at least o*ne occasion, driven by his personal driver, to drive a Mi6 agent to a meeting with Tsafendas.

    It was also possibly Rupert that supplied the R5 000 that Tsafendas was paid to commit the murder. R5 000, assuming an average of 15% decrease in the time value of money, is some R500 000 in today's terms. (As a practical example, a 4.1 Chevrolet family car cost about R1 200, new, in 1971 - an average family car now costs about R120 000).

    In addition to this Rupert was present at the meeting held at Harry Oppenheimer's house in Parktown at 18h00 o*n July 27, 1964. It was during this meeting that Vorster was drawn into the murder plot, firstly by again promising him the post of Prime Minister after Verwoerd, and secondly, by threatening him to make public his involvement with supplying the CIA and Mi6 (spying for them) with sensitive information from the inner circles of parliament and the Broederbond. A look at Vorster's profile below will show that this was not the only covert activities that he was involved in.
    The meeting started at 16h30 and lasted till 20h00.Vorster was apparently hesitant at first, but after the threats and promises, as well as a reminder of his duty as a Freemason, concurred.
    Present at this meeting was Oppenheimer, Rupert and Quinton Whyte (CFR, CIA and SA Institute to Race Relations) as well as an unnamed Mi6 agent. It was also during this meeting that Whyte handed over to Vorster a final blueprint as to how he was to run the country after Verwoerd's death. (The first was handed to Vorster in 1963 after he became involved with the Council o*n Foreign Relations).
    More than two years before Tsafendas was to kill Verwoerd.

    But this is just the tip of the ice-berg as far as Rupert's involvement is concerned - as will become clear later.

    The role of John Vorster.

    John Vorster was strongly influenced during his student years by professor WMR Malherbe - a known Freemason, of high order.

    In September of 1937, during the reign of the Brotherhood man, Jan Smuts, Vorster is recruited as agent for the police - in order to infiltrate the Ossewa-Brandwag - a rightwing political organisation, to which Robey Leibrant belonged (Leibrant later tried to assassinate Smuts).
    Vorster underwent training from the last quarter of 1937 to February 1938 - o*n how to infiltrate the Ossewa-Brandwag.
    As part of his undercover operation he objected to Smuts involving South Africa in the Second World War (on the side of Britain). He was "caught" in 1942, sent to the Pretoria Central jail, transferred to Leeukop jail outside Johannesburg and from there to Koffiefontein - to be finally released in 1944. In all three places, Vorster was visited, every week by a man by the name of Julian (or Julius) Furst, and they were apparently very close.

    Furst was Joe Slovo's first father in law.

    After his release, Vorster masterminded the inclusion of the Ossewa-Brandwag into mainstream politics.

    And he set about selling himself as being ultra rightwing.

    In October 1958 Oppenheimer is informed during a session of a Freemason's Lodge in Johannesburg that Vorster was a spy for the Smuts government. This revelation was done by none other than Ernie Malherbe - the Chief of Military Intelligence under Smuts.

    At the same time the Rupert and Oppenheimer newspapers were subtly punting Vorster for his political achievements.

    In August of 1961 Vorster is promoted to Minister of Justice. He was informed of this by Verwoerd o*n July 24, 1961. When Vorster told his wife Tini this, she told him (she is also from a Brotherhood bloodline) that he had to inform Anton Rupert. Vorster phoned Rupert o*n 24 July 1961 and informed him.

    Now get this.
    Anton Rupert told Vorster to come and see him (Rupert) at his home in Cape Town! Rupert basically summonses o*ne of Verwoerd's most important ministers to his house!

    So who is running the country?

    Vorster duly flew down to Cape Town o*n July 26, 1961 and met with Rupert the same day.

    Two interesting things happened at this meeting:
    1. Vorster is recruited as intelligence agent by the CIA. He is also promised the position of Prime Minister for the first time.
    2. Vorster makes his first contact with Harry Oppenheimer - when he phones Oppenheimer from Rupert's house o*n Rupert's instructions.

    The Sunday Times, owned by Oppenheimer, announced the appointment of Vorster as minister of Justice five days later - o*n July 31, 1961.

    One day before the official announcement of Vorster's appointment!

    Form then o*n Vorster was punted by the Rupert and Oppenheimer newspapers as o*ne of the extremist rightwing trio of the National Party - along with Hertzog and Verwoerd.

    Right. Sure. No problem.

    Vorster did his bit by announcing hard core safety measures, and by fighting Communism and Liberalism with vigor. Most of his successes against Communist and Liberal organizations was due to him getting inside information regarding these organizations from the CIA (which was covertly running these organizations) and Oppenheimer (who was funding them). The result was spectacular arrests and success against banned organizations.

    Vorster was further assisted by the CIA and Mi6 through their covert operations. They ensured ongoing unrest, often resulting in the death of innocent black people, which in turn ensured that the safety and security situation remained a top priority with the government and the public.

  10. Thanks given for this post:

    Frankincense (05-Feb-09)

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