Something that really gets under my skin and burns my butt, you have these safety officers who step out their airconditioned office into an airconditioned vehicle, arrive on site and issue a bunch of documents, then run away before they break a sweat.

With all sorts of instruction about long sleeve shirts and pants, hard hats, safety boots, fire rated clothing for electrical inspection... etc etc etc etc.

Every person who creates a safety regulation should be forced to work for at least a full summer, wearing that same equipment in the conditions we are expected to work in. Or design safety equipment suitable for the heat.

Industry can be lucky I am not a union person, there would be massive changes in the way people are expected to work on site. I 110 % for safety, in the right conditions.

I talk from experience, I have done the 8-20 hours shifts in the most horrific conditions, where the sweat is pouring down my body and expected to focus and do my job in a safe manner.

For example, there should be law against making staff climb into a roof space after 9 am in the morning during summer, unless measures are taken to reduce the temperature to within legal limits.

I look forward to winter every year. I get to wear long pants, not really, but it is more comfortable for those who do.

What do you think about wearing a hard hat when it is 36 degrees on site ?