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Thread: New demerit system-New driving points system hits the road

  1. #11
    Email problem
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    New point system

    I have a few questions:
    Why did you not hear about the sudden implementation of this system on radios and TV's? As far as I know it was only to be implemented in 2010.
    How can something like this point system work in a third world country when it did not work in first world countries?
    Is this not a a way to get to soft targets and make money from them?
    Will taxi's and "rich drivers" like in the past, go free and just do what they want to and we the law abiding citizens must pay?
    Are they actually going to weigh each car to see if it is the correct weight?
    Are you now going to get a fine if you upgrade your exhaust system and tires to a better quality (like we did after we found that our old exhaust was totally damaged)?
    I have read this point system and came to the conclusion that the traffic department wants everybody to drive brand new cars with all its original stuff in it!
    Just a few thoughts I had.

  2. #12
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well if anything, I hope government can feed a nation. Think about this, if you lose your driver’s license you cannot work thus you will lose your home, car and job. Now without your job and no way to sustain yourself legally you will turn to crime. Really this is BS and everyone knows it... But f#ck-it, soon we will face forced labour and have labour camps because the prisons is going to be way too small...

  3. #13
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Welcome to TFSA, Zeezax
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeezax View Post
    Just a few thoughts I had.
    You're not the only one The driver demerit system came up again here and it's more questions than answers so far. Apparently it's only been rolled out in Gauteng now. For the rest of us, status is still "coming soon."

  4. #14
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    Unhappy Demerit system - a cry?

    Look at the name: Demerit. In my language it means to take something away from you - is that what they want to do? Take our cars at first then our jobs, then our lifelyhoods? Okay, I am a keep to the rules of the road person, but some of those demerit points even get to me the rule abiding person. This lets me think of the Zeitgeist movement that only a few may have and the rest forced down to nothingness. And the scariest thing is: We the civilization of South Africa is allowing all this control over us - everyone is to scared to talk because if you talk the law and goverment zoom in on you.

    Will it really stop all the dicing, will it really stop modification to cars, will it really stop people crashing, will it really stop drunk&driving, etc, etc,etc?

    To conclude: This system may work, it may not work - the only think I know is that the taxis will win the battle to do things their way for they want everything their way (they brought a halt to the bus transit sytem) and we are left to pick up the bill. Peace out

  5. #15
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    We'll soon see heeps and heeps of piled up "confiscated" cars, and only taxis & buses on the roads. Isn't that what the minister of transport wanted back in 2003 already? It looks like it's going to happen after all.

    and I'm sure this will do our already-down-the-drain economy very good. But, who are we to complain? We live in such a "proud country"
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  6. #16
    Bronze Member Alan's Avatar
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    Yip it has been launched in JHB and PTA so far and the rest of the country is set to join in 2010, read an article earlier, will see if i can find it........hang on.
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  7. #17
    Bronze Member Alan's Avatar
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    Remember the Ark was built by Amateurs and the Titanic was built by professionals.
    Business isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.

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  8. #18
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    Places like Australia have had this type of Demerit system for 20-30 years. Now there are so many ridiculously overcautious laws in Australia, you may as well put a helmet & safety goggles on to operate a teaspoon

    That said, the payoff is that Australia has only a fraction of road and workplace fatalities compared to SA.

    Being a led foot myself, I'm personally not too happy about it, but what can you do. Get myself an X-Box I guess.

  9. #19
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    Warning for Capetonians!

    I just got nabbed yesterday by the ruthless new Ghost Traffic Squad.

    My crime? Overtaking and cutting in front of a geriatric doing 20km's under the speed limit. My outside wheel going over the non-overtaking lane for a few metres.

    The Fine? R1500!

    They are revenue hunting in Plain White Golf GTI's at a busy junction near you.

    I was going to ask the dooshbag wear he got his expensive Designer Watch or pull out my AK-47 and eliminate him (joke). But decided I will have my day in court instead.

    These new brutes could be a real PITA when Demerit Points come into play.

  10. #20
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Now on the news the other night i thought i heard that it been shelved to 2011?? Maybe i misheard but i don't think so.

    Someone made a comment on the only vehicles left will be taxis etc on the road. I tend to agree with that. Yup is negative but now there is more fuel for the corrupt to abuse. Now you pay a bribe or else??? Bribes will get bigger...

    Just an opinion but a system that believe will be abused once again. Pity cause i would agree with the principle fully - we need it.

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