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Thread: Pastel Partner V12.1.6

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    May 2016
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    Pastel Partner V12.1.6

    Morning All,

    I wish to add in my logo on my invoices (I have read previous forum posts on how to add the logo via the forms designer)

    I have done this on the server and in the forms designer preview it looks 100%. I did save this file and logo in my company directory and not under registrations/customs as I have 4 companies which I am running from one program.

    No what my dilema is when I print an invoice from another workstation, I must always go and tick the custom layouts and search for the file in my company directory, and when it prints it prints my changes (yay) but without my logo.

    Now my question is - how do I set-up the new designed invoice as a default per company, so that if other users log in that this template will be used and secondly, how do I get my logo printed.

    I am stuck and very frustrated and my computer will be tossed from the 1st floor and become the new showcase on the lawn!!

    Please help!!

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    When you set up the logo in the Forms Designer on the server, you would have browsed to the location of the logo, which would have been C:\Pastel14\Coy Folder.

    However, when you print an invoice from one of the workstations, the invoice will try and find the logo using the same path that you defined on the Forms Designer, i.e. C:\Pastel14\Coy Folder, but the C: drive that it will be looking for is the C: drive of the workstation, not the server, and the logo will not be found.

    The trick is to rather use the mapped drive letter that you created on the workstations, when defining the path in Forms Designer, e.g. P:\Coy Folder. Then every workstation will be pointing to the same actual location for the logo. You can even create the mapped drive on the server itself, pointing back to itself.

    The important thing is that you should use the same drive letter on all the workstations.
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

  3. Thanks given for this post:

    Anita Swart Olivier (09-May-16)

  4. #3
    Email problem
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    Morning Neville,

    Just an update I got my logo fixed as per your directions above and it is working 100%. Your explanation was quite clear and I new exactly where to go and what to do.

    Thanks your very much


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