I had an interesting day at our local pharmacy... I look after a few people and sometimes over the counter medication is needed for allergies or the like. Now I give them my details each time I go to buy over the counter low to no risk medication also known as S0 or S1 medication.

Well I got treated like a criminal and was very upset. See I explained to them that the medication is not for me it is for people that lack the mobility to come and get it themselves and to be clear I am not talking about massive amounts here “two boxes” or 24 pills.

It is summer and some people do suffer plant allergies it is not uncommon. Yet according to the pharmacist I need to bring in there ID documentation for S0 to S1 medication.

Now follow what I am saying. So it is OK to show up with someone else’s ID documentation and buy medication! If someone anyone shows up with an ID that didn’t belong to them I would phone the cops because that ID can be stolen or worse...

So a LAW that I would like is one where the Pharmacist must give you a document that tells you what medication you are allowed to buy and in what amounts. That way we can make sure you don't do anything wrong.