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Thread: NWO has SA in its sights. (part 1)

  1. #481
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    John Maynard Keynes, 1st Baron Keynes of Tilton (5 June 1883 – 21 April 1946) was a British economist whose ideas, known as Keynesian economics, had a major impact on modern economic and political theory and on many governments' fiscal policies.

    Here are some quotes of his. This is history.

    I work for a Government I despise for ends I think criminal. Letter to Duncan Grant (15 December 1917)

    In truth, the gold standard is already a barbarous relic. Monetary Reform (1924), He was the nicest, and the only talented person I saw in all Berlin, except perhaps old Fuerstenberg … and Kurt Singer. And he was a Jew; and so was Fuerstenberg. And my dear Melchior is a Jew too. Yet if I lived there, I felt I might turn anti-Semite. For the poor Prussian is too slow and heavy on his legs for the other kind of Jews, the ones who are not imps but serving devils, with small horns, pitch forks, and oily tails. It is not agreeable to see civilization so under the ugly thumbs of its impure Jews who have all the money and the power and brains. I vote rather for the plump hausfraus and thick fingered Wandering Birds. But I am not sure that I wouldn’t even rather be mixed up with Lloyd George than with the German political Jews.

    Notes after a meeting with Albert Einstein in 1926, The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vol. 10, p. 383

    Note that Nikolai Tesla called the fraud monger Einstein “A long haired idiot.” Einstein’s science was flawed and not REAL science. Einstein was a …..(you guessed it?)

    When the accumulation of wealth is no longer of high social importance, there will be great changes in the code of morals. We shall be able to rid ourselves of many of the pseudo-moral principles which have hag-ridden us for two hundred years, by which we have exalted some of the most distasteful of human qualities into the position of the highest virtues. We shall be able to afford to dare to assess the money-motive at its true value. The love of money as a possession — as distinguished from the love of money as a means to the enjoyments and realities of life — will be recognised for what it is, a somewhat disgusting morbidity, one of those semi-criminal, semi-pathological propensities which one hands over with a shudder to the specialists in mental disease ... But beware! The time for all this is not yet. For at least another hundred years we must pretend to ourselves and to everyone that fair is foul and foul is fair; for foul is useful and fair is not. Avarice and usury and precaution must be our gods for a little longer still. For only they can lead us out of the tunnel of economic necessity into daylight.

    "The Future", Essays in Persuasion (1931) Ch. 5, JMK, CW, IX, pp.329 - 331, Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren (1930); as quoted in "Keynes and the Ethics of Capitalism" by Robert Skidelsy

  2. #482
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    Where do you copy all this from ?

  3. #483
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    If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level with dentists, that would be splendid.
    "The Future" Ch. 5, Essays in Persuasion (1931)

    Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking.
    New Statesman and Nation (15 July 1933)

    The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found ourselves after the war is not a success. It is not intelligent. It is not beautiful. It is not just. It is not virtuous. And it doesn't deliver the goods. In short we dislike it, and we are beginning to despise it. But when we wonder what to put in its place, we are extremely perplexed.
    National self-sufficiency (1933) Section 3, republished in Collected

    The boys, who cannot grow up to adult human nature, are beating the prophets of the ancient race — Marx, Freud, Einstein — who have been tearing at our social, personal and intellectual roots, tearing with an objectivity which to the healthy animal seems morbid, depriving everything, as it seems, of the warmth of natural feeling. What traditional retort have the schoolboys but a kick in the pants? ...

    To our generation Einstein has been made to become a double symbol — a symbol of the mind travelling in the cold regions of space, and a symbol of the brave and generous outcast, pure in heart and cheerful of spirit. Himself a schoolboy, too, but the other kind — with ruffled hair, soft hands and a violin. See him as he squats on Cromer beach doing sums, Charlie Chaplin with the brow of Shakespeare...

    So it is not an accident that the Nazi lads vent a particular fury against him. He does truly stand for what they most dislike, the opposite of the blond beast — intellectualist, individualist, supernationalist, pacifist, inky, plump... How should they know the glory of the free-ranging intellect and soft objective sympathy to whom money and violence, drink and blood and pomp, mean absolutely nothing? Yet Albert and the blond beast make up the world between them. If either cast the other out, life is diminished in its force. When the barbarians destroy the ancient race as witches, when they refuse to scale heaven on broomsticks, they may be dooming themselves to sink back into the clods which bore them.
    On the Nazis; written in October 1933 three months before the death of his friend Carl Melchior, murdered in an anti-semitic attack in December 1933; Skidelsky (1992:487) quoting Collected Writings volume xxviii

    Newton was not the first of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians...

    Newton was not the first of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians, the last of the Babylonians and Sumerians, the last great mind that looked out on the visible and intellectual world with the same eyes as those who began to build our intellectual inheritance rather less than 10 000 years ago.
    Address to the Royal Society Club (1942), as quoted in A Dictionary of Scientific Quotations (1977) by Alan L. MacKay,

    The old saying holds. Owe your banker £1000 and you are at his mercy; owe him £1 million and the position is reversed.
    "Overseas Financial Policy in Stage III" (1945), Collect Writings 24:258; though Keynes here clearly cites this as an "old saying" a variant of this is also attributed to him:

    If you owe your bank a hundred pounds, you have a problem. But if you owe a million, it has.


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    aaaaah copied form a UK website ....

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    Petrodollar continued.

    Nixon and Kissinger had successfully bridged the gap between the failed Bretton Woods arrangement and the new Petrodollar system. The global artificial demand for U.S. dollars would not only remain intact, it would soar due to the increasing demand for oil around the world.

    This new "dollars for oil" system was much more preferred over the former "dollars for gold" system as its economic requirements were much less stringent. Without the constraints imposed by a rigid gold standard, the U.S. monetary base could be grown at exponential rates.

    It should come as no surprise that the United States maintains a major military presence in much of the Persian Gulf region, including the following countries: Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Yemen.

    The petrodollar system provides at least three benefits to the United States. It increases global demand for U.S. dollars; It increases global demand for U.S. debt securities; It gives the United States the ability to buy oil with a currency it can print at will.

    The petrodollar recycling process is both unusual and unsustainable. It has served to distort the true demand for government debt which has "permitted" the U.S. government to maintain artificially low interest rates. Washington has become dependent upon these artificially low interest rates and, therefore, has a vested interest in maintaining them through any means necessary. The massive economic distortions and imbalances generated by the petrodollar system will eventually self-correct when the artificial dollar and U.S. debt demand is removed.

    What makes America different, however, is that it can pay for 100% of its oil imports with its own currency, which it is able to print freely. America has managed to create a place for itself in an oil-dependent global economy. With oil priced in U.S. dollars, America can literally print money to buy oil… and then have the oil producers hold the debt that was created by printing the money in the first place.

    At one point in America’s history, their largest export was a variety of manufactured goods, made in the U.S. Today, America’s largest export is the U.S. dollar. And the dollar costs the U.S. practically nothing to create. How long will it be before the nations of the world figure out the dollar fiasco is a fraud? Instead of viewing U.S. dollars as worthless paper backed by nothing (as they should), foreign oil producers and consumers were convinced — and required — to hold U.S. dollars in order to purchase oil back in the 1970′s. However, this demand for dollars is not genuine. It is purely artificial.

    Dr. Bulent Gukay of Keele University puts it this way: “This system of the U.S. dollar acting as global reserve currency in oil trade keeps the demand for the dollar ‘artificially’ high. This enables the U.S. to carry out printing dollars at the price of next to nothing to fund increased military spending and consumer spending on imports. There is no theoretical limit to the amount of dollars that can be printed. As long as the U.S. has no serious challengers, and the other states have confidence in the U.S. dollar, the system functions.”

  7. #487
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    Look who's back ........ with more copy paste stuff to not read .......

    Evolution is plain common sense

    14 October 2014, 07:23
    Evolution is plain common sense.
    Many people believe ridiculous things, especially when at an impressionable age, but most will eventually, shuffle off such beliefs as time goes on and they become wise with age. However some remain and in the case of Christianity, this is the belief in creationism or its nefarious cousin Intelligent Design and hence they willingly deny biological and galactic evolution.
    As this quote “There is probably no other notion in any field of science that has been as extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as the evolutionary origin of living organisms” from the Encyclopaedia Britannica explains to us, no rational person doubts; the Theory of Evolution because it has been examined and tested and the evidence has declared it as fact.
    Yet most evangelical religious people who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob do not accept evolution but believe in the Genesis’ creation account. Therefore evolution is only thought to be false by the very religious. No serious scientist doubts evolution and in the one hundred and fifty three years since Charles Darwin’s book “On the Origin of Species”, (published in 1859) no convincing argument (scientific peer reviewed paper) against evolution has EVER appeared.
    Rather it has been established and confirmed with tangible evidence and demonstrable facts by hundreds of peer reviewed papers and is the foundation and cornerstone of biology. No one has proved evolution wrong. You can believe it is wrong but that does not make it so. That tells us something about your thoughts. If you think so, to you it is real, even if it is not. In other words it is your opinion and opinions that cannot be substantiated should be kept to yourself and your own inner circle of religious followers - otherwise you open yourself up to ridicule by the rational thinkers of society. Is it, worth it, to deny science?
    It seems that one of the biggest stumbling blocks for most in doubt of evolution (evolution deniers) is their source material. Access to proper science books and excellent books written by biologists like Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, Jerry Coyne etc (see below) are anathema to Christians and are taboo. Talk about ‘free will” and thinking for yourself - no sir Christians are not allowed those luxuries as they are in bondage to Christ and this ignorance is perpetuated as they only talk to and submit to each other.
    They would rather rely on non-scientific sources for their material produced by church propagandists and pseudo-science Intelligent Design Web sites that lack any scientific credibility. They also like to ‘quote mine’ from Darwin whose knowledge is 150 years out of date.
    This biased and corrupt data input results in confusion as to what exactly the theory of evolution is and what it explains. i.e. it isn't the creation of life or the universe and no; evolution does not predict that there were ever half humans and half monkeys running around.
    Creationists harp on the "gaps in evolution”, reference the fossil record, irreducible complexity and such like whereas in reality we would expect to find gaps in the fossil record, and the bits of the record that aren't gaps match what evolution predicts, and we have no example of anything that is irreducibly complex. No, the eye and the bacterial flagellum are not – that myth has been debunked by experts.
    They are also confused with elementary scientific terms; such as the meaning behind the words Hypothesis, Theory, Fact, Evolution, Abiogenesis, etc. However at the same time, an explanation that stretches credulity is perfectly acceptable for them, as they have become like children with immature analytical abilities. (Jesus told them to become like little children who just believe and never question).
    In fact, faith survives best in people who don't think too deeply about their Holy Scriptures and/or scientific discoveries. Most people prefer and are quite happy with a religious explanation but for less gullible people, faith falls by the wayside somewhere along the path to rational thought and thus becomes ship wrecked.
    That there are some who in the face of rigorous science hold onto their psychotic delusional beliefs lends credence to the concept that a creationist mind set is not only delusional but could be diagnosed as a mental illness in the thought process or logic centre of the brain.
    Even if millions of people follow a particular belief or in the case of Christianity billions follow it, does not make it any less delusional. Just like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are mental illnesses, the denial of evolution because of strict religious beliefs can also be placed in that category.
    Nothing seems to dissuade the faithful from clinging to a discredited, fallible and errant “Holy Bible”. This can only be as a result of psychotic delusion. Can they not accept the bible as allegorical tales and myths?
    No they cannot and in the complete absence of irrefutable proof they will continue till ‘dooms day” or “hell freezes over” or “Jesus returns” to argue for the merits of their faith (emotion) based delusions. To the fundamentalists, everything is dogmatically ascribed to "purpose", or "agency", because most won't even consider the alternatives to their God-soaked worldview as these are too ghastly to contemplate.
    No God, means; no heaven or hell, no imaginary friend to help in time of trouble (placebo, blankie) etc. You can keep your science they say; reality is too harsh and Christianity works for me so it must be right (Dopamine feel good Jesus Drug addiction).
    That is why experts like Richard Dawkins will not debate creationists; who ask stupid questions like ‘how can a fish breathe out of water or get legs to walk onto land”. Its like; debating creationist on mynews 24, which is an exercise in futility and is “casting your pearls before swine” to borrow a Biblical phrase attributed to Jesus.
    Ignorance is not bliss and it should not be displayed with pride as if it was a medal or badge of honour for all to see. For many people who are prepared to listen to him, Darwin and his discoveries has killed the need for a creator God in the minds of the unbiased, and the Bible has been relegated to the background where it belongs.
    We are no longer in the intellectual dark ages where scientists were persecuted because of discoveries that made the Bible out to be wrong and the adherents to be deceived. Great scientist like Sir Isaac Newton had no choice other than to believe in a God as he lived in a pre Darwin world. The fact that the indisputable scientific evidence proves we evolved naturally and were not created supernaturally has removed God from the equation.
    Like Newton, the apostle Paul had no choice in his pre-science, pre Darwin world but to believe in a creator God. In his day creation testified to the fact that there must be a creator God; if you see creation you see God and therefore you have no defence case at judgement day. However, today that is not our reality, as we have thankfully moved on from those mystical times two thousand years ago.
    Our knowledge has increased to the extent that a God is not needed anymore to explain the vast universe. In fact only galactic evolution can explain why there are billions of galaxies and cluster galaxies each with trillions of stars, solar systems and planets. It also explains why there are seven million identified and one hundred million unidentified species on earth and the numerous extinct and dead end species.
    It is obvious to all, who are not emotionally involved in an imaginary relationship and there by blinded that the vast universe does not exist with humankind in mind and in need of a saviour. We are just a dust spec in the universe and if, earth was destroyed tomorrow, it would carry on regardless.
    If the Apostle Paul could come to the future in a time machine to our age and: go to school from grade 1 to 10, graduate from University, look and comprehend what he is observing through an electron microscope and the Hubble Space Telescope, he would revise his (understandably for that mystical age) ignorant doctrines in Romans and rather state the following: “Who changed the truth of science into a lie, and worshipped and served a God, who they had created in their own minds, because they did not want to accept evolution”
    I am not an expert on evolution but I will give it a shot at explaining it briefly with what I have gleaned about evolution so far from sources referenced below. People, who are actually interested in understanding evolution, get their knowledge from scientists (not the Bible, or church, or daddy and mommy).
    Evolution: is a process that takes millions, even billions, of years and is difficult to observe over a short timescale. Basically, there are billions of different organisms on earth of varying similarity, and we label them in our own human way. This means that when people argue against evolution from one species to another they are making all sorts of errors. Evolution is more complex than most people realise, and many fail to properly appreciate the various mechanisms involved.
    Those factors are: Adaptation, Genetic drift, Gene flow, Mutation, Natural selection, Speciation.
    The human common decent fossil evidence shows a gradual move from the chimpanzee-like Australopithecus, through Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus (and various others) to Homo Sapiens, over millions of years.
    There are millions of other fossils, there are archaeological findings that reveal the migration of man out of Africa, there is the cross-breeding of animals and plants that we do to day, and there is DNA, amongst many other things.
    Evolution is simple common sense.
    We share over 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees. Why? Only primates need to take in vitamin C with their food as there bodies cannot make vitamin C. This proves a shared ancestor. Gout proves evolution as well because we eat too much protein and battle to get rid of uric acid unlike our ancestors from long ago who ate mainly fruit.
    We are genetically closer to chimpanzees than mice are to rats. Life is more connected than anything bible writers knew about. DNA proves this and we use DNA in paternity testing, breeding of dogs, to solve crimes, to understand disease, etc.
    Humans not only share a common ancestor with apes (and, technically, are apes), but we share a common ancestor with our pets, and our food, and the trees, plants etc . We have coded the genome, we have mapped out the tree of life, we have lots of fossils, and we utilise artificial natural selection by; breeding cows, tomatoes, crops to be larger, stronger and higher yielding etc.
    I challenge any evolution denier, when offered gene therapy to proactively cure a terminal disease they will get later in their life, to turn down the therapy on account of genes and evolution being against what the Bible says.
    Remember that nature is competitive. It's a struggle to survive, so any advantage an organism can get is likely to be passed on. To use a recent example, there are now bacteria that can digest nylon. This is significant because nylon is a recent human invention.
    So the bacteria in question are exploiting a resource that helps it survive. Not all bacteria do this, as they're adapted to their own ecological niches. But nylon-eating bacteria exist for the same reason; they're exploiting a new niche thanks to a mutation that exploits a food resource which in turn allows for more of those organisms to propagate. It took a mutation in bacteria to begin to utilize this material as a food source.
    No one ever suspected that chemical polymers could provide ecological niches capable of exploitation by mutant bacteria, but the evidence shows not only that it is possible but that it is a fact. The reason that bacteria show us so much about evolution is because their reproductive rate is so much faster than ours. In the last 2,000 years, humans have gone through approximately 100 generations. Bacteria accomplish that in hours.
    Motor cars have evolved from what worked before just like the human genome evolved. The first cars were not today's cars even though all the main parts that make up today's cars existed a hundred years ago. Nobody set car design in motion with the idea of today's cars, roads, highways, toll roads etc. These just happened or evolved as the requirements changed. There is no single designer of your car today. Cars of the future will evolve from today's designs and so will the technology. Products once used by your parents; videos, Sony Walkman, Kodak film, LP records, tapes, etc have become obsolete.
    So long as humans find use in the design, they'll pass them on and modify them. Nature is doing the same over time with our genomes. However nature is rather slow, cruel, and wasteful and it is obvious there is no intelligent designer behind it.
    Our scientific knowledge evolves as well. We know things today that we did not even know twenty years ago. (Hubble telescope, Human Genome Mapping, etc)
    If you would prefer to read about evolution from Christians , Ken Miller, Simon Conway Morris, and Francis Collins all experts in evolution, then there's the Biologos institute: Science and Faith in dialogue: these Christian scientists accept evolution. It was founded by the Head of the Human Genome Project and current National Institute of Health director, Francis Collins in the USA.
    * References:
    Lawrence M. Krauss's- A Universe from Nothing, Steven Hawkins, The Grand Design
    Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene
    Richard Dawkins - The Blind Watchmaker
    Richard Dawkins - The Greatest Show on Earth
    Jerry Coyne - Why Evolution Is True
    Wikipedia isn't considered an authoritative source, but it does contain links in the footnotes leading back to the source materials and is an easy read for lay people. Evolution cannot be denied once you understand it. Knowledge is power, so empower yourself and the truth will set you free.
    Wikipedia the following:
    Evidence of common descent, Introduction to evolution, evolution, Timeline of evolution, Timeline of human evolution, Human evolution, Age of the earth, Age of the universe, E. coli long-term evolution experiment, ring species, Italian wall lizard, geology, palaeontology, stratigraphy, Archaeological stratigraphy, biogeography, biodiversity, cladistics, endogenous retroviruses, Common descent, HIV, (look at section 7, "Genetic Variability"). Pseudogenes, vitamin C (evolution), Human evolutionary genetics, Fossil record, Radiometric dating , Mendelian genetics, Chromosomes, Continental drift, plate tectonics, Population biology, Genetic recombination, Modern evolutionary synthesis, Specialization, DNA, Quantum evolution, DNA structure, Social biology, Genes , Human genome, Species, List of transitional fossils (missing links), Transitional fossil, evolutionary creation, embryology, developmental biology, Abiogenesis, Miller–Urey experiment, Homosexual behaviour in animals, Biology and sexual orientation, Jesus myth theory, resurrection deity, Christian mythology, creation myths, etc

  8. #488
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    Africa had a profound effect on the known world many centuries ago. They had technology that even today we would be hard pressed to duplicate. The machining of the large (huge) rocks that the pyramids were built with, that fit so neatly being one of them.

    This is just another example of history being suppressed and being skewed. Granted, historians working from archives, those that are available, will have to skip over the gaps in information. That is to say not all historians deliberately skew history.

    I’m of the opinion that many works or documents that are ‘missing’ are kept in vaults or secret libraries in the Vatican and possibly in other places too.

    I found this article below of enormous interest as I’ve come across similar articles from time to time and I really think it’s true. In essence anyway.

    Before Columbus: How Africans Brought Civilization To America By Garikai Chengu

    It has now become common knowledge amongst academics that Christopher Columbus clearly did not discover America, not least because is it impossible to discover a people and a continent that was already there and thriving with culture. One can only wonder how Columbus could have discovered America when people were watching him from America's shores?

    Contrary to popular belief, African American history did not start with slavery in the New World. An overwhelming body of new evidence is emerging which proves that Africans had frequently sailed across the Atlantic to the Americas, thousands of years before Columbus and indeed before Christ. The great ancient civilizations of Egypt and West Africa traveled to the Americas, contributing immensely to early American civilization by importing the art of pyramid building, political systems and religious practices as well as mathematics, writing and a sophisticated calendar.

    One of the first documented instances of Africans sailing and settling in the Americas were black Egyptians led by King Ramses III, during the 19th dynasty in 1292 BC.

    In 1311 AD, another major wave of African exploration to the New World was led by King Abubakari II, the ruler of the fourteenth century Mali Empire, which was larger than the Holy Roman Empire. The king sent out 200 ships of men, and 200 ships of trade material, crops, animals, cloth and crucially African knowledge of astronomy, religion and the arts.

    As time allows us to drift further and further away from the "European age of exploration" and we move beyond an age of racial intellectual prejudice, historians are beginning to recognize that Africans were skilled navigators long before Europeans, contrary to popular belief.

    Of course, some Western historians continue to refute this fact because, consciously or unconsciously, they are still hanging on to the 19th-century notion that seafaring was a European monopoly.

    After all, history will tell you that seafaring is the quintessential European achievement, the single endeavor of which Europeans are awfully proud. Seafaring allowed Europe to conquer the world. The notion that black Africans braved the roaring waters of the Atlantic Ocean and beat Europeans to the New World threatens a historically white sense of ownership over the seas.
    Ancient trans-Atlantic similarities in botany, religion and pyramid building constitute but a fraction of the signs of African influence in ancient America. Other indicators include, astronomy, art, writing systems, flora and fauna.

    Historically, the African people have been exceptional explorers and purveyors of culture across the world. Throughout all of these travels, African explorers have not had a history of starting devastating wars on the people they met. The greatest threat towards Africa having a glorious future is her people's ignorance of Africa's glorious past.

    Pre-Columbus civilization in the Americas had its foundation built by Africans and developed by the ingenuity of Native Americans. Sadly, America, in post-Columbus times, was founded on the genocide of the indigenous Americans, built on the backs of African slaves and continues to run on the exploitation of workers at home and abroad.

    Clearly, Africans helped civilize America well before Europeans "discovered" America, and well before Europeans claim to have civilized Africa. The growing body of evidence is now becoming simply too loud to ignore. It's about time education policy makers reexamine their school curriculums to adjust for America's long pre-Columbus history.

    Garikai Chengu is a scholar at Harvard University. Contact him on

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    Evolution is plain common sense

    14 October 2014, 07:23
    Evolution is plain common sense.
    Many people believe ridiculous things, especially when at an impressionable age, but most will eventually, shuffle off such beliefs as time goes on and they become wise with age. However some remain and in the case of Christianity, this is the belief in creationism or its nefarious cousin Intelligent Design and hence they willingly deny biological and galactic evolution.
    As this quote “There is probably no other notion in any field of science that has been as extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as the evolutionary origin of living organisms” from the Encyclopaedia Britannica explains to us, no rational person doubts; the Theory of Evolution because it has been examined and tested and the evidence has declared it as fact.
    Yet most evangelical religious people who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob do not accept evolution but believe in the Genesis’ creation account. Therefore evolution is only thought to be false by the very religious. No serious scientist doubts evolution and in the one hundred and fifty three years since Charles Darwin’s book “On the Origin of Species”, (published in 1859) no convincing argument (scientific peer reviewed paper) against evolution has EVER appeared.
    Rather it has been established and confirmed with tangible evidence and demonstrable facts by hundreds of peer reviewed papers and is the foundation and cornerstone of biology. No one has proved evolution wrong. You can believe it is wrong but that does not make it so. That tells us something about your thoughts. If you think so, to you it is real, even if it is not. In other words it is your opinion and opinions that cannot be substantiated should be kept to yourself and your own inner circle of religious followers - otherwise you open yourself up to ridicule by the rational thinkers of society. Is it, worth it, to deny science?
    It seems that one of the biggest stumbling blocks for most in doubt of evolution (evolution deniers) is their source material. Access to proper science books and excellent books written by biologists like Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, Jerry Coyne etc (see below) are anathema to Christians and are taboo. Talk about ‘free will” and thinking for yourself - no sir Christians are not allowed those luxuries as they are in bondage to Christ and this ignorance is perpetuated as they only talk to and submit to each other.
    They would rather rely on non-scientific sources for their material produced by church propagandists and pseudo-science Intelligent Design Web sites that lack any scientific credibility. They also like to ‘quote mine’ from Darwin whose knowledge is 150 years out of date.
    This biased and corrupt data input results in confusion as to what exactly the theory of evolution is and what it explains. i.e. it isn't the creation of life or the universe and no; evolution does not predict that there were ever half humans and half monkeys running around.
    Creationists harp on the "gaps in evolution”, reference the fossil record, irreducible complexity and such like whereas in reality we would expect to find gaps in the fossil record, and the bits of the record that aren't gaps match what evolution predicts, and we have no example of anything that is irreducibly complex. No, the eye and the bacterial flagellum are not – that myth has been debunked by experts.
    They are also confused with elementary scientific terms; such as the meaning behind the words Hypothesis, Theory, Fact, Evolution, Abiogenesis, etc. However at the same time, an explanation that stretches credulity is perfectly acceptable for them, as they have become like children with immature analytical abilities. (Jesus told them to become like little children who just believe and never question).
    In fact, faith survives best in people who don't think too deeply about their Holy Scriptures and/or scientific discoveries. Most people prefer and are quite happy with a religious explanation but for less gullible people, faith falls by the wayside somewhere along the path to rational thought and thus becomes ship wrecked.
    That there are some who in the face of rigorous science hold onto their psychotic delusional beliefs lends credence to the concept that a creationist mind set is not only delusional but could be diagnosed as a mental illness in the thought process or logic centre of the brain.
    Even if millions of people follow a particular belief or in the case of Christianity billions follow it, does not make it any less delusional. Just like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are mental illnesses, the denial of evolution because of strict religious beliefs can also be placed in that category.
    Nothing seems to dissuade the faithful from clinging to a discredited, fallible and errant “Holy Bible”. This can only be as a result of psychotic delusion. Can they not accept the bible as allegorical tales and myths?
    No they cannot and in the complete absence of irrefutable proof they will continue till ‘dooms day” or “hell freezes over” or “Jesus returns” to argue for the merits of their faith (emotion) based delusions. To the fundamentalists, everything is dogmatically ascribed to "purpose", or "agency", because most won't even consider the alternatives to their God-soaked worldview as these are too ghastly to contemplate.
    No God, means; no heaven or hell, no imaginary friend to help in time of trouble (placebo, blankie) etc. You can keep your science they say; reality is too harsh and Christianity works for me so it must be right (Dopamine feel good Jesus Drug addiction).
    That is why experts like Richard Dawkins will not debate creationists; who ask stupid questions like ‘how can a fish breathe out of water or get legs to walk onto land”. Its like; debating creationist on mynews 24, which is an exercise in futility and is “casting your pearls before swine” to borrow a Biblical phrase attributed to Jesus.
    Ignorance is not bliss and it should not be displayed with pride as if it was a medal or badge of honour for all to see. For many people who are prepared to listen to him, Darwin and his discoveries has killed the need for a creator God in the minds of the unbiased, and the Bible has been relegated to the background where it belongs.
    We are no longer in the intellectual dark ages where scientists were persecuted because of discoveries that made the Bible out to be wrong and the adherents to be deceived. Great scientist like Sir Isaac Newton had no choice other than to believe in a God as he lived in a pre Darwin world. The fact that the indisputable scientific evidence proves we evolved naturally and were not created supernaturally has removed God from the equation.
    Like Newton, the apostle Paul had no choice in his pre-science, pre Darwin world but to believe in a creator God. In his day creation testified to the fact that there must be a creator God; if you see creation you see God and therefore you have no defence case at judgement day. However, today that is not our reality, as we have thankfully moved on from those mystical times two thousand years ago.
    Our knowledge has increased to the extent that a God is not needed anymore to explain the vast universe. In fact only galactic evolution can explain why there are billions of galaxies and cluster galaxies each with trillions of stars, solar systems and planets. It also explains why there are seven million identified and one hundred million unidentified species on earth and the numerous extinct and dead end species.
    It is obvious to all, who are not emotionally involved in an imaginary relationship and there by blinded that the vast universe does not exist with humankind in mind and in need of a saviour. We are just a dust spec in the universe and if, earth was destroyed tomorrow, it would carry on regardless.
    If the Apostle Paul could come to the future in a time machine to our age and: go to school from grade 1 to 10, graduate from University, look and comprehend what he is observing through an electron microscope and the Hubble Space Telescope, he would revise his (understandably for that mystical age) ignorant doctrines in Romans and rather state the following: “Who changed the truth of science into a lie, and worshipped and served a God, who they had created in their own minds, because they did not want to accept evolution”
    I am not an expert on evolution but I will give it a shot at explaining it briefly with what I have gleaned about evolution so far from sources referenced below. People, who are actually interested in understanding evolution, get their knowledge from scientists (not the Bible, or church, or daddy and mommy).
    Evolution: is a process that takes millions, even billions, of years and is difficult to observe over a short timescale. Basically, there are billions of different organisms on earth of varying similarity, and we label them in our own human way. This means that when people argue against evolution from one species to another they are making all sorts of errors. Evolution is more complex than most people realise, and many fail to properly appreciate the various mechanisms involved.
    Those factors are: Adaptation, Genetic drift, Gene flow, Mutation, Natural selection, Speciation.
    The human common decent fossil evidence shows a gradual move from the chimpanzee-like Australopithecus, through Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus (and various others) to Homo Sapiens, over millions of years.
    There are millions of other fossils, there are archaeological findings that reveal the migration of man out of Africa, there is the cross-breeding of animals and plants that we do to day, and there is DNA, amongst many other things.
    Evolution is simple common sense.
    We share over 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees. Why? Only primates need to take in vitamin C with their food as there bodies cannot make vitamin C. This proves a shared ancestor. Gout proves evolution as well because we eat too much protein and battle to get rid of uric acid unlike our ancestors from long ago who ate mainly fruit.
    We are genetically closer to chimpanzees than mice are to rats. Life is more connected than anything bible writers knew about. DNA proves this and we use DNA in paternity testing, breeding of dogs, to solve crimes, to understand disease, etc.
    Humans not only share a common ancestor with apes (and, technically, are apes), but we share a common ancestor with our pets, and our food, and the trees, plants etc . We have coded the genome, we have mapped out the tree of life, we have lots of fossils, and we utilise artificial natural selection by; breeding cows, tomatoes, crops to be larger, stronger and higher yielding etc.
    I challenge any evolution denier, when offered gene therapy to proactively cure a terminal disease they will get later in their life, to turn down the therapy on account of genes and evolution being against what the Bible says.
    Remember that nature is competitive. It's a struggle to survive, so any advantage an organism can get is likely to be passed on. To use a recent example, there are now bacteria that can digest nylon. This is significant because nylon is a recent human invention.
    So the bacteria in question are exploiting a resource that helps it survive. Not all bacteria do this, as they're adapted to their own ecological niches. But nylon-eating bacteria exist for the same reason; they're exploiting a new niche thanks to a mutation that exploits a food resource which in turn allows for more of those organisms to propagate. It took a mutation in bacteria to begin to utilize this material as a food source.
    No one ever suspected that chemical polymers could provide ecological niches capable of exploitation by mutant bacteria, but the evidence shows not only that it is possible but that it is a fact. The reason that bacteria show us so much about evolution is because their reproductive rate is so much faster than ours. In the last 2,000 years, humans have gone through approximately 100 generations. Bacteria accomplish that in hours.
    Motor cars have evolved from what worked before just like the human genome evolved. The first cars were not today's cars even though all the main parts that make up today's cars existed a hundred years ago. Nobody set car design in motion with the idea of today's cars, roads, highways, toll roads etc. These just happened or evolved as the requirements changed. There is no single designer of your car today. Cars of the future will evolve from today's designs and so will the technology. Products once used by your parents; videos, Sony Walkman, Kodak film, LP records, tapes, etc have become obsolete.
    So long as humans find use in the design, they'll pass them on and modify them. Nature is doing the same over time with our genomes. However nature is rather slow, cruel, and wasteful and it is obvious there is no intelligent designer behind it.
    Our scientific knowledge evolves as well. We know things today that we did not even know twenty years ago. (Hubble telescope, Human Genome Mapping, etc)
    If you would prefer to read about evolution from Christians , Ken Miller, Simon Conway Morris, and Francis Collins all experts in evolution, then there's the Biologos institute: Science and Faith in dialogue: these Christian scientists accept evolution. It was founded by the Head of the Human Genome Project and current National Institute of Health director, Francis Collins in the USA.
    * References:
    Lawrence M. Krauss's- A Universe from Nothing, Steven Hawkins, The Grand Design
    Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene
    Richard Dawkins - The Blind Watchmaker
    Richard Dawkins - The Greatest Show on Earth
    Jerry Coyne - Why Evolution Is True
    Wikipedia isn't considered an authoritative source, but it does contain links in the footnotes leading back to the source materials and is an easy read for lay people. Evolution cannot be denied once you understand it. Knowledge is power, so empower yourself and the truth will set you free.
    Wikipedia the following:
    Evidence of common descent, Introduction to evolution, evolution, Timeline of evolution, Timeline of human evolution, Human evolution, Age of the earth, Age of the universe, E. coli long-term evolution experiment, ring species, Italian wall lizard, geology, palaeontology, stratigraphy, Archaeological stratigraphy, biogeography, biodiversity, cladistics, endogenous retroviruses, Common descent, HIV, (look at section 7, "Genetic Variability"). Pseudogenes, vitamin C (evolution), Human evolutionary genetics, Fossil record, Radiometric dating , Mendelian genetics, Chromosomes, Continental drift, plate tectonics, Population biology, Genetic recombination, Modern evolutionary synthesis, Specialization, DNA, Quantum evolution, DNA structure, Social biology, Genes , Human genome, Species, List of transitional fossils (missing links), Transitional fossil, evolutionary creation, embryology, developmental biology, Abiogenesis, Miller–Urey experiment, Homosexual behaviour in animals, Biology and sexual orientation, Jesus myth theory, resurrection deity, Christian mythology, creation myths, etc

  10. #490
    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    so, youre saying,your ancestors were apes?
    A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.

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