Hi All,

Hope someone can help as I'm about to pull my hair out!

Just some background on the staff. I have three groups of staff namely Office Staff, Reps1 and Reps 2.
Office staff is plain and simply salaries with all the necessary deductions. Reps1 earn a salary AND Commision with all the necessary deductions. Reps 2 only gets commision. No deductions here.

I have added all employees and their certificates (either IT3 or IRP5). When I go to the declaration under TOTAL VALUE OF TAX CERTIFICATES it is not pulling through the details for Reps1. Only the office staff's SDL and UIF is there. Which now means that I am out on my declaration. I have double checked all the dates etc. I have even deleted a certificate and re-did it to see whether it will help. But to no avail.

Please help!!!!!!!
