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Thread: How do you get organized?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    How do you get organized?

    Despite all of the inventions of humankind, we still seem to have trouble organizing our lives. With such a shortage of time, who has time to be organized? You do! Check out the ten secrets that super-organized folks use in order to make the most efficient use of each day.

    1. Make a to-do list.

    Take about five minutes to make a to-do list. You wanna climb Mt. Fuji? Make a list of what it will take to get yourself atop that mountain. You wanna make more money moonlighting? Make a list of how to do it. Wanna promote your blog? Make a list.

    2. Add key information.

    Believe it or not, many people fail to add important details to their to-do lists. Each activity should include a due date or self-imposed deadline. Make no mistake: a task without a deadline will not get done. Also, don't forget to add contact information to an activity when necessary.

    3. Make a not-to-do list.

    The mistakes we make are life's way of telling us what to stop doing. If you're stubborn, forgetful, or continue to engage in behavior that you know you shouldn't, put it on your not-to-do list. This type of list keeps you honest with yourself. It also frees up time for the things you really want to do.

    And you, how do you get organized??

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirelle View Post
    Despite all of the inventions of humankind, we still seem to have trouble organizing our lives.
    I think all those inventions are part of the problem - there's too many tempting things to distract us.

    I'm not so sure about the not-to-do list. Based on "you get what you think about most of the time", I'd suggest having a "negative" list around as a regular reminder is a bad idea.

  3. #3
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    i wake up in the morning...i write on a scrap piece of paper what are the important things to do for the as many as the day allows...throw the piece of paper away in the afternoom/evening when i get home...and start with a new one in the morning...and there are never more than 5 items on the list...what ever didnt get finished the day before could not have been that important

    there is one thing in my life that i do ever single morning first before i even write my list and have stuck to for the past 3 years...or what has happened on numerous occassions i have had to left site after work a 24 hours go home dress my daughter for school and load her into her car seat in the morning...that is the most important thing in my life....i also try be at home when she gets home but unfotunetly this is not always possible.

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