Hi all,
Im sitting with a complex issuse that isnt so bad for some but Im trying to do this wise.
My company is growing beyond the office building and into other countries, Im trying to find a way to keep control over our IT systems and connect everyone effectively. I looked at Microsoft Small Business Server 2011 and it looks great but Im not sure if it will work cause most of our users will be only able to access the network via internet.
What Im trying to do is:
- Manage our IT systems (updates, anti virus and more)
- Run our accounting system on location but have access to it from anywhere in the world
- Be able to do file transfers securing between ourselves
- Access our email accounts with full outlook features from anywhere
- Have certain files backed up daily on to a server
Now, Ive find a few ways round this with Office 365, Axxes5 and Intune but is there another way that everything can be in one? Only reason I dont think we can use SBS 2011 is cause we not all based on the network, in fact 80% of us arent.
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