you got to give the durban municipality credit for their inovation in making money.

they install piping for sewage then get you to diconnect your spetic tank and connect to their system at a fee...then restructure your account so that you have to pay for it every month...but what blows my mind is not only will you have to pay for it but will then be charged for them to purify it and pump your own sh!t back into your water system...then charge you for it why cant i think ideas like that to get rich quick.

customers ask me on a daily basis to explain to them why their accounts seem to be getting more and more by the advice...

never read only one account you must take at least 1 years accounts and then look at the estimates...look at the months winter summer...what could have caused the account to increas eor decrease for that mete ris only read every 3 if there was an increase in your account in summer because you ran all your aircons flat out...remeber you will be paying that additional bill for the next 3 months and only once they read the meter again will it decrease if you have used less over the next 3 months.

you can contact the them and send you meter reading to them on a monthly basis...but remeber they only take from the 12-14 of each month not the end of the month...this will stop surprise accounts after 3 months...

and dont forget your electricity account will increase at the end of june by more than 18 % and wate rwill be going up more than 6 % and if you have moved from a septic tank to online sewage you will be paying more each month...

so for those of you who think you are saving the enviroent by using grey water systems and redirecting wate rto your garden toilets your selves the time and money...because the municipality is still charging you a fee to remove it ther eis no meter to give you are charged a percentage of your water useage.

looks like rain water is gona be the answer to sh!t free water...glad i have already started redirecting all my gutters to works like a charm in summer but i am running out of wate rin my plan is to increase the size of tanks because in one huge rain you can collect as much as 10 000 lt in as hort period of me i know.

the only thing i still need for the raining days is a pre paid meter to charge my batteries...i have also had to move some of my solar panels because i noted that the batteires wher enot getting a full charge because of the sun moving across a different par tof the house.

so something to remeber if you install solar panels make sure they are installed in such a way that they get the summer and winter sun.