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Thread: Android GMail Application

  1. #1
    Platinum Member
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    Android GMail Application


    Does anyone know how to disable the conversation view in Androids standard GMail application?


  2. #2
    Gold Member irneb's Avatar
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    Install the KMail app?
    Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves. - Norm Franz
    And central banks are the slave clearing houses

  3. #3
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    Hi irneb, I remember you did mention that Kmail is a good app. I have never installed anything on my phone.

    Whats the best and easiest way to install android apps?


  4. #4
    Gold Member irneb's Avatar
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    Simplest method is to search for the App in the Android Market: On the phone (at bottom of screen) is a tab you can press or swipe upwards. This shows your installed apps, press on the Market App (Click image for larger version. 

Name:	android-market-logo.png 
Views:	874 
Size:	51.9 KB 
ID:	2062). If you know the app's name type it into the search box at the top, otherwise browse the categories. A list of apps should be shown (with either free or their cost on the right, as well as a rating from 0 to 5 stars). Press on any of your desire, and read through the writeup on them (including any user comments at the bottom). There should also be at least 2 screenshots. This should give you a good idea of how suited the app is. Then if you've found the one you like, press the Install button at the top (as well as OK when it asks about what permissions to give to the app - note some apps use quite a lot, e.g. email needs storage, accounts, internet access, etc.), this will download the APK file and install it onto your phone.

    If the App is not available in the marketplace, but you can download an APK file from their site, you can either do so while in the phone's Browser - and install it that way, or copy the APK file onto your phone's SD card while connected to the PC - then install it from there after disconnecting.

    Another way could be through "barcode scan". But then you need a Barcode Scanner app. Some sites would have a square image like this for Lookout (see below).
    Name:  lookout-mobile-security-android-download-v4-12-1-protect-your-phone_3.jpg
Views: 1089
Size:  6.4 KB
    Turn on the Barcode Scan app, point your phone's camera at the screen and wait till it recognizes the image. It should then open the app's description in the market - where now can install it the usual way.

    Usually if the app isn't on the Market, then you need to enable "Unknown sources": Press the menu button (one of the 4 or 3 at the bottom of the phone - should be 4 lines with the top line a bit longer to the left). Select Settings, then Applications, then the top-most setting is "Unknown sources" - turn it on to allow other sources than the market. Though you might not want this, as it allows any app to be installed - i.e. could allow malware as well.

    As for the last, that brings up another App I'd highly recommend: Some AV, the one I like is called Lookout.
    Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves. - Norm Franz
    And central banks are the slave clearing houses

  5. Thanks given for this post:

    Dave A (11-Jun-11)

  6. #5
    Gold Member irneb's Avatar
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    BTW, after you've installed an app and you want an icon / wigiet on one of your home screens, press and hold on a blank spot on the screen. Select either Shortcuts / Widgets. If shortcut, then select Applications, and then the App/Widget of your choice. From now that icon/widget will be shown on the screen and a single press on it should open the app. If you want to move the icon, press and hold - then drag it to the new spot. If you want to remove an icon, press and hold, then drag it to the bottom of the screen.

    Here's a nice video tutorial on some nifty features:
    Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves. - Norm Franz
    And central banks are the slave clearing houses

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