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Thread: no need to earth metal downlights if they are "out of arms reach from the floor l"???

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    no need to earth metal downlights if they are "out of arms reach from the floor l"???

    So had a problem with an electrician using 12Volt down light fittings with 220Volt lamp in my lounge, hallway and dining room and asked on here if thats allowed. Response was that they had to be earthed. My electrician forwards me this

    The following parts do not need to be earthed:

    •short unexposed lengths of metallic wireway used to protect wiring as it passes through a building element;
    •exposed conductive parts of fixed electrical equipment that are
    - out of arm’s reach from the floor (or walking level,

    - out of arm’s reach from a structure that is bonded to earth, and

    - not exposed to the weather or to the condensation, dripping, splashing or accumulation of water, and

    - not touching a conductive surface;

    The down lights are "out of arms reach from floor level". So compliant?

    The down lights he used in the bathroom are 220V so they are being changed to 12V but I'm stuffed if i can find IP rated fittings as recommended by people on here for down lights which are just above the shower. Radiant have splash proof down lighters (12Volt) is that them? (Part no.CB34)

    any thoughts?

  2. #2
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    section 4 - inspection and test (11) the installation including ALL components complies with SANS 10142-1

    if the installation is new...please show us the sans approval for the light fitting to be used for a 230 volt application...he could be replacing the light fitting...which should also be sans approved...otherwise it shouldnt be sold in sa...but in saying that just imagine what a perfect world this be.

    i am not gona go into all the regulations chapters or versus but you get the idea...and you might also say but not everything should have an sans stamp...some companies have special approval...but i am also not gona go into detail.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybob2475 View Post
    The down lights are "out of arms reach from floor level". So compliant?
    All the requirements must be complied with. The operator here is "and", not "or".

  4. #4
    Gold Member Sparks's Avatar
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    Thanks Dave, I thought that was obvious. The "arms reach" is also misunderstood. It is not the length of 2 arms & a torso, I am a shortass wheras my nephew is almost 2m tall. A big difference in our reach. The zones in the bathroom must also all be considered.

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