Does it say that? I've pretty nearly finished reading 10142-1 front to back (minus the part about special installations as I have no such need

and all I can find is that a
three-phase installation must be done by a registered person. The closest I can find to what you seem to be implying is "clear" is section 5.3 (CONSTRUCTION) of the CoC form, that seems to presuppose registration. (That is, if "responsible for" and "did the work" mean the same thing.)
Also, there's Annex P, which for single-phase installation includes "any person" as a possibility for "May be installed by", which has the qualifier "on behalf of". But what does that mean if I'm extending my own installation - the "DIY installation" so maligned here?
I'd appreciate it a lot if you could point me to chapter and verse of a more explicit statement of who may work on the wiring. It's been bugging me for a while now, as I need to know just how far down the ethics ladder I'll have to go eventually when I actually connect the new circuits to the supply. Sorry to sound smug, but I'm 100% certain that I can do at least as safe a job as whoever previously worked on this house's wiring. I don't suppose any one of you guys forgot an empty gin bottle in my roof? :-P
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