Ok. So I've got my blog up and running with a rather lengthy post.
A few issues that have come to my attention while doing so:
Is there no way to format the text a bit more than just selecting a font? Things like paragraph spacing and line height would do wonders for the readability of posts. Being faced with a badly formatted wall of text can be rather intimidating for any reader.
Also, I can't for the life of me figure out how to add line breaks into posts? It takes away additional lines that I've put in using Enter, it also doesn't accept HTML code and the BB code [br] doesn't seem to work either. I've had to "hack" it by adding something with a white text colour to give it the appearance of a blank line.
One last issue - is there any way to change the colour of the post heading? Most other things within the content seem to be customisable, but certain things aren't able to be changed. This lack of uniformity makes it look a tad ugly.
One other suggestion to promote the Blog functionality of TFSA. Wouldn't it be a good idea to give blog posts the same sort of exposure as forum posts. From what I can see, people will only find new blog posts by specifically navigating to the blog sections on the site. If new blog posts showed up on the home page like forum posts, for that initial exposure, it might add a little bit more incentive for bloggers. Am I missing an obvious reason that wouldn't allow this?
I will keep going with the blog posts. Already got 2 more scheduled to post a week apart from each other.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go have a quick glance at my blog to see what I mean regarding all the abovementioned points. My first post was a long one, and even proofreading it bugged me a little bit.
Anybody got any other feedback/suggestions?
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