Someone please recomend and efficient wholesalers in joburg. I spent 6 hours in wholesalers today geting gear for a job which took 4 to do. Got the cable from Globe, no problem good price but they don't have everything on the shelf so I goto ACDC dynamics(reluctantly) and spend the usual hour and half to order the most simple stuff. An hour and friking half! Go to herliman tyton(spelt wrong but you know who i mean) to get some p clips, good on time but bloody expensive(254 bucks for 100 plastic P clips). Back to ACDC again to pick my stuff up but the customer has called me and also wants a KWh meter fitted so i add that to the order. 1 hour 45 mins later i get to pay for everything and 15 mins after that i get my stuff.
I went in the first wholsalers at 9am and i got to the job at 4pm. I mean all iwant is 25 meters of armoured, a db board, and earth leakage, 5 breakers, a kwh meter and some p clips.
I dunno really, i just can't comprehend how it can take an hour and half EVERY time i got to certain wholesalers. There are loads of people just wandering around behind the counter.
Basically ACDC dynamics, your service sucks. There i said it!
6 hours wasted on chasing stuff is far more expensive than an extra 20 bucks on a light fitting.
Thanks for listening, I'm sure most of you understand.
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