I thought I'd share some basic information about lead generation that so far seems to be missing from general discussion. After 18 months of trial and error I've found 4 things that work well for me, 3 of which take only my time and are very enjoyable anyway.

I'll share those freely in the next post but for this one I want to focus on quality, and what constitutes a quality lead for MLM.

If we're serious about building a strong and sustainable business that will continue to take care of us long after we retire, it's crucial that we introduce only those people with the best chance of success. These are people who are ambitious and entrepreneurial, who have solid integrity, and who are disciplined, organised, and proactive.

I used to think that the best people would be people already in MLM, or smart people in low-paying jobs who'd be keen to make more money. I also thought that since my company was primarily about health, that the alternative health industry would provide a good source of prospects.

I was mostly wrong on all these counts. MLM people, unless they're willing to learn a new prospecting/duplication system, aren't the right people. Also, usually they've made very little money or even lost money, and tend to be even more cynical and closed-off than the rest of the population. Maybe rightfully so. I found that teachers as a general group lacked decisiveness and weren't entrepreneurial or business minded, likewise nurses. I found that naturopaths weren't interested in increasing their income, and strangely, also weren't interested in updating their scientific knowledge or do any kind of review of peak scientific literature. I found that real estate agents, even though they had amazing potential and a very big need, were so hammered by every opportunity out there that they were basically shut down to possibility.

I also found that buying leads was tantamount to buying irritation.

So you can see I learned a lot about where not to focus my energy.

In the next post I'll describe my 4 main methods for identifying the best possible prospects.