so who is it protecting...the consumer ? they should have added a clause in the consumer act..." no prices are to be increased.
just for the record i am busy revising a quote which has to be in by the end of bussiness today...EVERY single price has increased between R10 - R150 per item and we are talking items ranging between R5 and you have to ask yourself has it made it any better for the consumer...some how i think not.
price increases effective the 1 april 2011 and i thought it was an april fools day joke...let me just bend over and hold my anckles again....soeveryone can carryo on shafting me.
when i read an email the other day informing me that out of every R10 i earn R6 goes to tax etc and i am only left with R4 well it seems it has just moved to being left with R3
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