I am making this enquiry on behalf of my step-daughter who is employed by an accountancy firm as a PA and book-keeper. She has been employed by this company ( registered CC) since December 2009 and there has been a continuous problem of her always receiving her salary in "dribs and drabs" ie half her salary one month and then maybe a furtherb payment a week later etc, and this has been going on up until current and worse is that she has not yet received her February 2011 salary except R500 for petrol as she has to commute 100km per day, plus she is a single mother with two small kids. It is now the end of March and no sign of that salary either! I am hoping that there is somebody out there that will be able to advise us as to some course of action.
The company apparently has a big client base but the member (boss) seems to be filtering the income away some how and he comes up with all sorts of excuses eg still waiting for clients to pay, owes money to the receiver, etc etc. There are 5 staff members excluding himself.
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