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Thread: ECB recommendations

  1. #1
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    ECB recommendations

    here are some of my suggestions...please feel free to add or comment on my list...i believe we need to start putting a positive spin on the electrical industry.

    a database should be setup with a list of every single contractor and inspectors be kept on record for the public or other contractors to view.

    every single COC sold or distributed must be recording with details of who purchased and stored in the same ecb database

    a copy of every single coc should be sent/emailed to the ecb to be kept on record...and for a competent person to do random checks on the coc and installations.

    contractors should work on apoint system like the drivers mess up no lables etc 1 mess up big time...immediate suspension of your license...points to be determined according to danger scale...and once you have completed a a series of refresher courses and been approved by a panel your license can be reissued.

    every single inspector from a single phase tester to a master electrician should have to collect points over a 5 year period by attending courses relevant to his/her qualification...not enough points collected suspension of your license or down grade to points collected.

    just some ideas i have come up heavy penalties big fines etc unless you are caught testing while your license is suspended...this way people who are maste relctrician and did their test 20 years ago and dont work in this enviroment or dont do testing could have their red card reduced to an installation tester.

    just my 2 c worth.

    to add...i also feel the ecb should have a website which can be accessed by the contractors and public to ask questions and be answered by suitabley skilled people with queries relating to technical issues with regards to the sans code/codes....this i feel is extremely important...a good example is this issue with generators...and in general COCs not even being filled correctly...this is a common issue i find in the industry...many COCs i investigate are not even filled in correctly...which would normally indicate the test where not done correctly either.

  2. #2
    Gold Member Sparks's Avatar
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    I agree whole heartedly.
    The plumbing industry are battling a bit to get their new system up and running. The COC is 3fold. Original to homeowner, 1st copy to Pretoria and the last copy stays in the book.
    I would like to see the Electrical industry go a step further. Let us fill in a COC on the ECB website. On filling in our registration & accreditation details a number can be automatically allocated and all our other details can appear on the COC automatically. Any changes can then be made which could chage the register of our details. Once the installation details are filled in a copy can be kept on a national database and we can then print it for the homeowner.

  3. #3
    Email problem 123's Avatar
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    he he

    that will never happen....see
    If it is not broken, fix/test it until it is.
    This is my opinion and I stick to it.

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    every single COC sold or distributed must be recording with details of who purchased and stored in the same ecb database
    As far as I know this is done already.

    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    a copy of every single coc should be sent/emailed to the ecb to be kept on record...and for a competent person to do random checks on the coc and installations.
    Every industry I know of where this has been done has dropped it in the end. It's a big addition to administrative overhead for very little return.

    I fully endorse all the other suggestions though.

    ps. I'm trying to figure out if 123 meant to give a non-existent link - or whether he intended

  5. #5
    Gold Member Sparks's Avatar
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    We are afterall in good old "new SA"

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