This act will be in effect from the 1st of April this year. This will include major changes required by business and second hand sales. Your thoughts?
This act will be in effect from the 1st of April this year. This will include major changes required by business and second hand sales. Your thoughts?
Some changes will include:
- Widespread responsibility.
- Guarantees
- Service quality
- Advertising
- Risk management
- etc.
For more information, visit
What I would be interested in is how Consumers can react, Example: I got mobile phone it is 6 months old and it keeps on crashing with software it has a history at the shop where I have returned it to be “repaired” more than twice. Now innocently enough the phone dies as usual and I am stuck on a deserted road with a blown water pump. I cannot phone for help.
Next moment I get attacked stabbed and killed because I was unable to get assistance due to a faulty phone. Now I imagine that this new consumer protection act will not apply in this scenario. But are they still to blame.
peace is a state of mind
Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.
Well you will be dead, so not like you can take action!!!!!!!!!!
Anthony Sterne
DISCLAIMER The above is merely a comment in discussion form and an open public arena. It does not constitute a legal opinion or professional advice in any manner or form.
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Yes the estate can represent you. Obviously damages would be extenuated if one is a bread winner, claims for maintenance etc.
One would not need the consumer protection act for that anyway.
The CPA is not any new law. It is merely reduced or transferred onus/burden of proof and is attempting to create a platform or forum that is accessible(read financially)
Anthony Sterne
DISCLAIMER The above is merely a comment in discussion form and an open public arena. It does not constitute a legal opinion or professional advice in any manner or form.
Well, what will happen to the Consumer Protection act remains to be seen. I know some people aren't even aware of these changes.
I read a comment once -
"the consumer act will do for consumerism what the CCMA did for Labour"
Pretty apt, but will take some time to gain momentum. Difference is when you are unemployed you are fighting for your life, so to speak.
A product, you may just want your money back etc,etc but you have to weigh up the costs and time. People will represent themselves, companies will use attorneys. Pretty much like CCMA. (Many employers organizations are already offering CPA advice/representation as an add on service)
The consumer is unlikely to instruct attorneys. Attorneys will want fees(no use looking at percent-unlikely to be viable on most cases.) So with the playing fields not level, a couple of misses and consumer loses faith in the system, understandably so.
Anthony Sterne
DISCLAIMER The above is merely a comment in discussion form and an open public arena. It does not constitute a legal opinion or professional advice in any manner or form.
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