you have to love the way the electricty department electricity has been disconnected for around 2 months...i have rigged myself up with solar...gas etc so i now dont need their power.
i get a disconnection notice for an outstanding balance of over R2000 estimated cost plus a reconection fee of R325 because it is alleged that i reconnected myself...last month and now again this month a balance of over R1000...yet i have contacted the metering department to advise them of my reading for the month as i did last month so that they dont charge me an kwh reading for last 2 months has been zero...yet i still get billed an estimate...and nailed a self reconnect fee of R325...but heres the joke i dont even have a fuse on the pole as i instructed the person who disconnected to remove the fuse and take it with them and my cables from the meter have been rerouted directly from the generator to the main that i dont have the problem i am they tell me it is impossible to run my house without electricity...and i am under investigation...well why dont they come have a look see...yet they still bill me every month...gee let me stand up my back is getting sore from holding my anckles...
the next thing is waste...i will be charged for waste water yet it will all be redirected in the garden how do they propose metering it or will i just get sc*wed a percentage as i am now....
then onto the rubbish removal...i have invested in 3 big wheelie bins which i use for all my rubbish and garden refuse which i will be dunmping once a week...yet i must still pay R91 per month for them to collect my rubbish.
the only 2 things i need now is a flying car so i dont have to use their roads and a borehole or relocate to a house with a river close by.
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