An electrician installed a number of light fittings on top of fibreglass (non-conducting) poles and issued a CoC for the job. One of the fitting’s ballast failed, shorting to earth, but the earth core did not make contact in the junction box below, as the insulation had not been stripped off the earth core, so the breaker did not trip, it just left the housing alive.
The person sent to investigate why the light was not working climbed up a metal ladder, grabbed hold of the fitting and received a shock. Luckily, his assistant switched off the power and he sustained no more than a few small burns on his hand and some sore muscles.
Wasn’t the electrician who issued the CoC supposed to have tested each and every light fitting for earth continuity? If he wasn’t required to do this, why not? If he was required to and did not, yet issued the CoC, can he be held liable?
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