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Thread: New tollgate petition - sign it today

  1. #1
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    New tollgate petition - sign it today

    Will take you 1 minute.
    Please go to the below link and sign the petition for the new SANRAL tollgate fees. The FFP has put this petition site up and will stand up for our rights as road users to lower these toll fees to as little as possible, they are suggesting 5 cents per km instead of the proposed 50 cents per km. Let's support this petition and send this link to all your contacts today. This influences us all, not just one or two of us.

    Please pass this on to friends.
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  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Whoever coded that web page should be shot.

    Great cause, though. 50c per km is plain greedy and way in excess of likely maintenance costs. Trying to suggest this will push people onto public transport when an adequate public transport infrastructure doesn't exist can only be seen as a smokescreen.

    Is SANRAL going to be running this toll system themselves or are they going to be contracting it out like other toll roads around the country?

  3. #3
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    So it seems the first petions made some impact and the tollgates are delayed. For now......

    We can all make a stand and have our say!

    Please spread the word!

    AA opens Gauteng toll petition, says fuel tax should cover costs
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  4. #4
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    come one people, we can make a difference and show the department of transport that we don't agree with the high toll fees. We already pay for road works when we purchase petrol & diesel.

    I got this on email, let's support them as well:


    Dear Fellow Petitioner

    Thank you for supporting our campaign against the high toll tariff fees. Currently the petition stands at 120 000 signatories.

    We hereby wish to give you a brief update on the status of the matter:

    * The Minister of Transport has halted the implementation of the unreasonable fee structure as proposed by SANRAL due to the pressure placed on him by this petition, the press and the public at large. While this is a temporary victory we must not trust the government's new position of renewed consultation as they might just want to wait until the election in May is over before they implement the fees again. Therefore, we must continue placing pressure on the authorities and ask that you make this e-mail go viral so that more people can sign our petition at
    * We are currently working with a few economists to make submissions to the Minister of Transport on the reasonableness of our proposed 5c per km tariff. Furthermore, we will submit this petition to the Minister upon our meeting with him. While we asked for support of at least 100 000 signatories, we have thanks to your diligent support breached that threshold. The more support we get, the more we can achieve by way of placing pressure on the authorities. Therefore, we would like you to assist us to push this petition into the 200 000 number. So please send this on to those who have not signed before.
    * Lastly, we have information at our disposal that indicates that the Gauteng Open Road Toll System might have been adopted irregularly and we are consulting with our legal team to possibly take this flawed system to court and have its implementation set aside. In this regard we would appreciate any donations to our legal fund to the amount of R15 by typing "Toll" and sending a sms to 39004.

    We will keep you updated on any progress made.

    Kindly also remember to make sure that you are registered to vote. See the attached pamphlet regarding this coming weekend's registration opportunity.

    At your service.

    Adv Anton Alberts
    FF PLus Member of Parliament: Transport


    Beste Mede-Petisie Ondertekenaar

    Baie dankie vir jou ondersteuning van ons petisie teen onredelike tolhektariewe. Op die oomblik staan ons petisie op 120 000 tekenare.

    Ons wil graag hiermee vir jou 'n kort verslag gee aangaande die saak:

    * Die minister van vervoer het die implementering van die onredelike tariewestruktuur ,soos voorgestel deur SANPAB/SANRAL, tydelik gestaak as gevolg van die druk wat op hom geplaas is deur hierdie petisieveldtog, die pers en die algemene publiek. Alhoewel hierdie 'n tydelike oorwinning is, moet ons nie die regering vertrou met hulle nuwe posisie dat hulle weer wil konsulteer nie aangesien hulle bloot kan wag tot die plaaslike verkiesing in Mei verby is om dan net weer die tariewe te implementeer. Daarom moet ons steeds druk op die owerhede plaas en vra derhalwe dat hierdie e-pos aangestuur sal word sodat meer mense die petisie kan teken by
    * Ons werk op die oomblik saam met 'n paar ekonome ten einde voorleggings aan die minister van vervoer te maak wat wys waarom ons voorgestelde 5c per km redelik is. Ons sal verder dan ook hierdie petisie aan die minister gee tydens ons vergadering met hom. Ons het aanvanklik gevra vir 100 000 handtekeninge, maar danksy jou ondersteuning het ons baie meer gekry. Dit is dan ook so dat hoe meer ondersteuning gekry word hoe meer druk kan mens op die owerhede plaas. Daarom wil ons vra dat jy ons weer sal help om hierdie keer die petisie na 200 000 ondertekenare op te stoot. Dit sal dus gaaf wees indien jy die e-pos sal aanstuur na diegene wat nog nie petisie onderteken het nie.
    * Laastens, wil ons aankondig dat ons inligting gekry het wat daarop dui dat die Gautengse Ooppad Tolhekstelsel moontlik onreelmatig aangeneem is en ons konsulteer op die oomblik met ons regspan om moontlik die tolhekstelsel in die hof tersyde te laat stel. In hierdie verband sal ons ook jou finansiele steun tot ons regsfonds waardeer deur 'n sms ter waarde van R15 aan ons te stuur. Tik die woord "Tolhek" en stuur asseblief die sms na 39004.

    Ons sal jou op hoogte hou van enige vordering.

    Onthou ook asb om seker te maak dat jy geregistreer is om te stem. Sien die aangehegte pamflet rakende die komende naweek se registrasie geleentheid.

    Tot jou diens.

    Adv Anton Alberts
    VF Plus Parlementslid: Vervoer
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  5. #5
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    I also got the following from the AA:

    The Gauteng tolling system is still set to go ahead, despite the Minister of Transport, Sibusiso Ndebele, announcing on 22 February that the gazetted tariffs would be suspended and reviewed in the months to come.

    The AA's policy remains that tolling should be regarded as a last resort to road funding. Additionally, there should be an immediate return to a dedicated road fund which is sourced from existing fuel taxes and ring-fenced for later expenditures.

    So where to from here?

    Our representative, Gary Ronald will be taking the petition to the Ministerial Summit on Road Funding in March this year. The aim is to have all motorists, particularly those in Gauteng sign the petition.

    Follow the petition progress on our Facebook page!

    Please encourage your friends and family to sign our online petition at To keep track of our petition's progress against Gauteng tolling, visit our Facebook page.

    As at 02 March 2011 we’ve had 29000 people sign our online petition. Thank you!

    The AA
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  6. #6
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    Taxes and Open Road Toll Fees
    People should not install the transponders but still use the highways and force the government to issue accounts and summonses to all motorists until such time they drop the prices. The government will be forced to send out millions of accounts every month and they don't have the man power to do it. This is the best and easiest way to boycott the system. What is the government going to do about motorists from other neighbouring countries that don't have these transponders?
    South Africans are too complacent and its time we fight back. WE have paid for these roads. Now they are also proposing a 1% tax to fund SABC.

    Circulate this to all your friends!!!!!!!!

    Has anyone thought just how much tax we are already paying?

    a. 35% on your salary
    b.14% on everything you buy (bar fresh produce) and services rendered.
    c. Carbon tax if you buy a new car (besides the 14% VAT you have to pay)
    d. Tax on the fuel you put in your car to run it.
    e. Toll on our roads – and for some it is going to come to a whopper of 10% of your salary (If you earn R10 000.00 a R1 000 would go toward tolling if you migrate between PTA and JHB every day.)

    – Bully to try and pacify me with the idea that I can claim it back from my income tax!!! I have to fork out the money first. Going on holiday to DBN? Remember to save up your R1000.00 for tolling.

    To say the least – For every R10.00 you earn, the government is already taking approx R6.00 and still they want more. Are you happy with the R4.00 you are getting?


    When are we going to get up and do something about it? Where is all the money going to? It is definitely not being spent on what it should be – our hospitals are in a state of disrepair, our schools in shambles, our roads full of potholes, our water contaminated, sewers not working, left in the dark because Eskom failed to do their upgrades, the poor are poorer still, municipalities on the brink of collapse, and so the list goes on.

    Heard about the youth day celebration that cost R100 million? Mmmm... did you pay for it?
    Oh yes sir/madam you did! R100 million that could have paid for a couple of things our country needed more.
    And to put the numbers in perspective:

    The next time you hear an SA politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you wanted the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money.
    A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its press releases.
    A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
    B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
    C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
    D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
    E. A billion Rand ago was only 27 hours and 12 minutes at the rate our SA government is spending it.
    Building Permit Tax
    Cigarette Tax
    Corporation Tax
    Income Tax
    Fishing Licence Tax
    Food Licence Tax
    Fuel LicenceTax
    Petrol/Diesel Tax
    Hunting Licence Tax
    Luxury Tax
    Property Tax
    Service charge taxes
    Capital gains Tax
    Social Security Tax
    Road Usage Tax
    Local Tax
    Vehicle Licence Registration Tax
    Vehicle Sales Tax
    Workers Compensation Tax
    Not one of these taxes existed 20 years ago...
    And our nation was one of the most prosperous in Africa.
    We had absolutely no national debt...
    We had the largest middle class in Africa And Mum stayed home to raise the kids.
    What the HELL happened ?
    ANSWER :
    Look at who controls the Government.....and is 'running' the country....
    INTO THE GROUND - on YOUR and MY 'billions'!!!
    I hope this goes around At least a billion times
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  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Sorry to prick the bubble a bit, but

    Quote Originally Posted by SoftDux-Rudi View Post
    Not one of these taxes existed 20 years ago...
    We had absolutely no national debt...
    And Mum stayed home to raise the kids.
    Not true.

    Quote Originally Posted by SoftDux-Rudi View Post
    And our nation was one of the most prosperous in Africa.
    We had the largest middle class in Africa
    True then and by my understanding still true today.

    Thought it was quite a well made series of points up until then, though.

  8. #8
    Gold Member Martinco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoftDux-Rudi View Post
    Taxes and Open Road Toll Fees
    People should not install the transponders but still use the highways and force the government to issue accounts and summonses to all motorists until such time they drop the prices. The government will be forced to send out millions of accounts every month and they don't have the man power to do it. This is the best and easiest way to boycott the system. What is the government going to do about motorists from other neighbouring countries that don't have these transponders?
    South Africans are too complacent and its time we fight back.
    IMHO a very good idea......there is no way that they can handle this volume.
    Martin Coetzee
    Supplier of Stainless Steel Band and Buckle and various fastening systems. Steel, Plastic, Galvanized, PET and Poly woven.
    We solve your fastening problems.

    You may never know what results will come from your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results... Rudy Malan 05/03/2011

  9. #9
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    I just renewed 1 off my vehicle licenses today it has gone up from R225 last year to R276 this year thats a 22.67% increase!!!!! and with the number of vehicles increasing on the roads that Gauteng had to introduce a new numbering system for plates, where is all that money going to !!!!! Definitely not road maintenance !!!!! (You dont even get a smile when they take your money either )

  10. #10
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Between the vehicle licenses, the speeding fines, the ever increasing toll road charges, the environmental tax on larger vehicles, the petrol taxes etc etc it must be a nice little earner for the Government.


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