who really gives a hoot...i had to go and invest in a safety harness today with double cilps...here the joke i have been working with my safety belt for more than 15 years...climbed poles everyday for 10 years using it...now suddenly today i am told that it is illegal...wow i wonder if the person who made the law has ever climbed a pole...
apparently new regulations which have been enforced...%^&* joke they cant even police the exsisting ones and now there are new ones...if these people put more effort into policing the industries and actually did valid inspection using people with the correct qualifications...they could make sites safer.
and here is another joke one od my staff is such a skinny fella tha he almost fell out the harness...the middle clip slipped down which made the harness come off his one shoulder...so i made a decision today and made him wear the safety belt bacause there was less chance of him actually falling out the safety belt...and yes is was the best quality nosa abc...xyz rated...in the bright colours etc
as i have mentioned in another post...time to move forward which is what i am doing and boy the work is coming...another plus about working in amoungst the rot out there is...no matter how bad my work is...it is still better than the other contractors...the only difference is the time spent doing jobs...much quicker...more money in my pocket...10 years to retirement...dave got another goal.
i do realise that in certain stuations you need to have a specific harness like when you work on scaffolding i agree you need to clip release clip...but come on dont just make a law that one fits all...this is a clear indication that the law was not thought out properly...i am gona look around on the internet for more information about safety harnesses and see what i can find.
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