It really is just getting to much and the guys that offer this service seldom cant even be found on google. Maybe this response via email by me this morning is arrogant, but surely it's allowed to be!

Hello Ronni

So lets see, you want to help with SEO.

I googled SEO, and guess what couldnt find you (brand-success) in the first 10 pages. If you had checked properly, you will notice i rank anything between 1st place and generally page 1 or in first 3 pages for most of my keys.

What really gets me is my web specifically says DO NOT CONTACT ME RE SEO.

Using the word ethical and spamming me??

Anyway Ronni, if you would like help with your site and SEO let me know, i only charge $20 000 per hour and first 10 hours paid in advance but REALLY do not contact me again offering your services otherwise i will invest several hours in blacklisting your email and web wherever i can, including with MS etc.

Warm regards