hope everyone had a good christmas...ate lots of food and had a wicked new years eve.
for the first time i had a quiet one...dropped off and collected...and had nothing to drink...for me a big achievement.
no get thin new years resolutions...the only new years resolution for this year...GET OUT AND DO THINGS...and i mean everything...work...and play...i want to get out and socialise more this year...spend more time on the water fishing...look into cycling and walking again.
i have a list of to do s...sort out things like close all accounts...and i mean all accounts...even the ones which i dont use which have zero balances and make sure they are all clear...no small outstanding balances etc...like virgin mobile account contract was completed more than a year ago yet i now have a bill for R200 for so called trelephone and sms sent to me over since the contract expired and appently they have blacklisted me without a fair court hearing...anyway this is the kind of draining negative stuff which needs to get finalised.
i have started building things to keep me occupied if work gets quiet...and who knows maybe i might make enough money out of selling the stuff...which is something else i will be looking into this year finding a person to move products and services i offer without having to employ a rep...like a you sell you get paid...i offer the product and service at a fee and what ever they sell it for they make.
one of my companies turns 20 this year as some of you already know...so i am gona make a decision next month whether i want to carry on with it or close it down and try something different....and you are gona say why...well because i am bored with it and dont have the same get up and go will anymore...maybe something new will get me excited again..i have managed to achieve one goal (see dave i did have a goal)...i can go back to all those people who told me i would never make it and show them ...including bank managers...my school teacher and all my class mates who laughed at me as i walked out the classroom the day i left...the site manager i worked with who told me i was a lazy no good railway worker and i should go back to the railways...i hope you are reading this...all of you...i have been watching most of you without you knowing and it is sad what you preach has never materialised for any of you...i thank you all for giving me the will power to achieve what i have...because maybe i am a lazy no good fool and without your nasty comments might never have achieved anything in my life.
i look forward to this new year with an open mind and hope everyone has a great year.
remember family is more important than any amount of money...and you are the most important factor...you can only support others if you are strong...in body and mind.
there is no better satisfaction than giving to others...i had the pleasure of watching people receive gifts i made during the holidays...and look forward to doing all year long.
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