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Thread: FNB online banking broken!

  1. #1
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    FNB online banking broken!

    FNB has changed their online banking system and managed to break it in the process. No other bank has broken anything when changing systems, but now I can't transact using my business account!

    I am pissed!!

    Worst is that I can't get freakin' help, as no one answers the phone, or I get cutoff! I'm sure they are crumpling under the weight of massive complaints. It is ridiculous that they can change their system, and not be 100% sure that everything will work okay.

    At least there has been some progress, and I can now transfer money out of the account (but only into my personal credit card, or eBucks account ). I still am not able to make payments directly from my business account though...arg!!!
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  2. #2
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    @#@$#^#@ ARG!! Got through to someone (finally) but NO, they can't help me, I have to phone business banking, and hold there for another 10 minutes Are they going to pay for the time wasted on this (more than an hour now...)
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  3. #3
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    After holding for 20 minutes with no answer I was able to figure out that they had reduced the accounts payment limit to R0.00. Was able to change that (with their currently VERY slow system). At least I can make payments now.

    If you happen to have this same problem, from the Accounts tab, select the account that the problem is with, and click Update Profile in the left hand column. You can modify the payment limit from there.

    Oh, yes, can I have the last hour and a half of my life back please?
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  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsd View Post
    No other bank has broken anything when changing systems, but now I can't transact using my business account!

    I am pissed!!
    Sandard Bank had that server load issue when they introduced their internet banking update, which they solved by discontinuing the pin pad feature. I remember my frustration at the time rather well.
    Quote Originally Posted by dsd
    I was able to figure out that they had reduced the accounts payment limit to R0.00.
    At a guess, they're going to have fun trying to get that back to what it was for all accounts from their end. Probably the best way they'll get it fixed fast is to send an email to all clients saying they need to change their payment limit.

    It's just amazing how sometimes some small detail can trip us up so badly.

  5. #5
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    The biggest frustration was just that it was such a waste of time. Once you've found the problem, it is easy to solve. Next biggest frustration (which led to frustration number one) was that nobody I spoke to could help me, I just kept getting shunted around, and most of the time wasted was on hold, or calling again, as their system would hang me up regularly.

    At least it is resolved now, but could probably have been a LOT quicker if someone useful had picked up the phone.
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