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Thread: raped in a prison cell

  1. #1
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    raped in a prison cell

    yip chances are if you get caught for drinking and driving you will be gang raped and probably end up with aids by the time you are you end up with the death penalty for being one half a beer over the limit...i think it is absolutely fact the chances are so good that they even run an advert with real life prisoners telling you that thats what you can expect...and that you will become one of their bitches...this is scare the public from drinking and driving.

    in fact i dont know how they can run an advert like that without human rights organisasion taking this matter futher to protect our youth and citersians of this country

    just think if your son is caught having a drink or 2...because that is all it takes 2 beers for...then is caught and locked up for a will ruin the youngsters life...i speak from personal experince it is not a pleasant place to be...i was just lucky that i ran into some mates who were also locked up the same weekend...and the fact that i was covered in blood from head to toe and none of the blood was mine made the other prisoners a little weary of me.

    now my questions is where is our constitutional right to a fair trial...i have heard of horrific experinces from young males who have been arrested and locked up for a weekend in south african jails even the police cells...where they have been gang raped by as many as 50 example is the 2 youngsters in scotburgh a couple years ago...i am not sure of the whole story but apparently these young boys will never forget that experince.

    it also makes you wonder why this fella...shrien dewani who is suspected of killing his wife doesnt want to come to south africa...the chances of him getting the death penalty even if he is inocent is pretty good if he spends a couple of nights in a south african jail...even if he didnt kill her chances are he will get the death penalty and have an experience i wouldnt even want to wish on my worst enemy.

    i am sure if there are any others on this forum who have spent some time in jail could share some horrible experiences...

    my question is where is our rights and why is the goverment not held accountable for what happens to you in jail...if you do something wrong fair enough be locked up for your crime and spend the time behind bars...but what about the conditions and what will happen to you while in jail...maybe the ministers of correctional services should spend a week in jail to see how people are treated without telling anyone so that they can be treated like everyone would never happen because they know what will happen to them and they would be tooo scared.

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    Dave A (12-Dec-10)

  3. #2
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    It just so happens that I knew someone that killed himself after just 1 day in prison. He was arrested for something stupid not even drunk driving. Next morning he took his own life with his father’s gun.

    I promised myself that I would rather commit suicide before I go to prison for any reason even false arrest. If anything the police are suppose to protect even prisoners. But I to heard about that advertisement sometime this past week.

    So in all truth our community our Judges and Politicians indorse prison rape. It is good know next time you see police arresting an innocent woman like they showed on Carteblanche it is ok for the male and female officers to rape there prisoner too...
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  4. #3
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    people seem to have this opinion that if you are arrested for what ever the crime might derserve what happens to you no matter if you are innocent or not...

    you need to educate your kids on drinking and driving because that advert for drinking and drive is no laughing matter and even if he or she ends up in a holding cell not even jail you better start praying that they dont become a victim of some of the horrific experiences which they are going to encounter when they are locked up for the is a whole different world behind bars...the advert is just the tip of the ice berg...the experience will change their lives.

    and dont be a fool and drink and drive during the festive season...that one beer could change your life forever...the R20 000 fine and license suspended would be the easy part

    nothing is gona change for the better in our justice system anytime soon...more likely to get be warned.

  5. #4
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    You are fully aware that if you end up in jail there's a good chance you're going to get anally penetrated against your will. You might also catch a decent beating as well or maybe get your throat cut....who knows? The advert doesn't change any of these facts or make them more or less likely, it's just pointing out something you already knew.

    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    you need to educate your kids on drinking and driving because that advert for drinking and drive is no laughing matter...
    Looks like it's having the desired effect...


  6. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    my question is where is our rights and why is the goverment not held accountable for what happens to you in jail...
    I ask myself the same question.

    Either way, there should be the mother of all law suits coming. Either someone who gets locked up and housed with the lover boys, or the department of correctional services suing the advertisers for slandering them.

  7. #6
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well it doesn’t really matter if the cops arrest you for any reason your life is over. So why must we trust the police, we have every reason to question them in anything they do. Just look at the news of the police abusing their powers to hurt people simply because they can.

    I think a really massif movement is needed to alert Government that the people will soon rebel against this advertisement and this acceptance of rape in prisons.
    peace is a state of mind
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  8. #7
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    What makes you think people will start to rebel now? The prison system has been like this for decades. I still don't see how the advertisement changes anything.

    I imagine thousands of common or garden citizens have been locked up in the past for petty offences on a Friday and not had a bail hearing till Monday and have been sexually tampered with during the weekend. I can only assume that the reason the corrections dept hasn't been sued for millions is that they're somehow not responsible for inmates anal virginity being kept in tact and there's no reasonable legal recourse for the victims.


  9. #8
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    That is where you are seriously mistaken. See if you are rapped, you have the right to bring criminal charges against the police station and the people responsible for you. Simple they locked you up with the criminal that rapped you they were in control of your health and safety as required by law. So you may individually sue them criminally and sue them privately for not keeping you safe.

    The laws are there so use them. IF law fails then natural law must come into effect and that I will leave to your imagination.

    Rape is rape it is illegal, so if the police allows you to be rapped then they are just as guilty as the person that did the deed as it is written in our laws.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  10. #9
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    If it's that straight forward to sue the police/corrections services for rape, then, given the high incidence of rape in the prison system, how come it's not hurt their pockets sufficiently to drive change in the system?


  11. #10
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Because people are lazy only motivated by money and driven by greed. See the law is there you are legally suppose to be cared for and not mistreated when imprisoned.

    But because our system is fundamentally flawed you will probably need to do much more like going to the UN in person and complain to them about human rights and how the courts dismiss these cases.

    See only when action is taken can action follow. If you get the big voices involved then change will come “eventually” not for you or me but for future generations.

    See if a large group of people complain to a powerful establishment like the UN you will see action and investigations and with a bit of luck you will see change.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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