yip chances are if you get caught for drinking and driving you will be gang raped and probably end up with aids by the time you are released...so you end up with the death penalty for being one half a beer over the limit...i think it is absolutely ridiculous...in fact the chances are so good that they even run an advert with real life prisoners telling you that thats what you can expect...and that you will become one of their bitches...this is sad...to scare the public from drinking and driving.
in fact i dont know how they can run an advert like that without human rights organisasion taking this matter futher to protect our youth and citersians of this country
just think if your son is caught having a drink or 2...because that is all it takes 2 beers for...then is caught and locked up for a night...it will ruin the youngsters life...i speak from personal experince it is not a pleasant place to be...i was just lucky that i ran into some mates who were also locked up the same weekend...and the fact that i was covered in blood from head to toe and none of the blood was mine made the other prisoners a little weary of me.
now my questions is where is our constitutional right to a fair trial...i have heard of horrific experinces from young males who have been arrested and locked up for a weekend in south african jails even the police cells...where they have been gang raped by as many as 50 men...an example is the 2 youngsters in scotburgh a couple years ago...i am not sure of the whole story but apparently these young boys will never forget that experince.
it also makes you wonder why this fella...shrien dewani who is suspected of killing his wife doesnt want to come to south africa...the chances of him getting the death penalty even if he is inocent is pretty good if he spends a couple of nights in a south african jail...even if he didnt kill her chances are he will get the death penalty and have an experience i wouldnt even want to wish on my worst enemy.
i am sure if there are any others on this forum who have spent some time in jail could share some horrible experiences...
my question is where is our rights and why is the goverment not held accountable for what happens to you in jail...if you do something wrong fair enough be locked up for your crime and spend the time behind bars...but what about the conditions and what will happen to you while in jail...maybe the ministers of correctional services should spend a week in jail to see how people are treated without telling anyone so that they can be treated like everyone else...it would never happen because they know what will happen to them and they would be tooo scared.
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