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Thread: SORBS is broken

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    SORBS is broken

    If you're an admin on a mailserver and use SORBS as part of your spam busting regime, you might want to drop them for a while.

    The issue hit TFSA on 28th November with a flurry of mail bounces quoting an adverse listing on SORBS. After investigating the listing and communicating with my hosting service, I applied to SORBS for removal from the DUHL IP block listing that was causing the problem on 29th November. This should have solved the problem somewhere between minutes and 24 hours later.

    With no end to the bounces coming, I followed up on the support ticket a week later (the SORBS site carries rather grim warnings about following up on tickets within 48 hours, so I thought a week later would be safe). Still no response, and 504 gateway timeouts on the SORBS website worse than CIPRO on a bad day.

    So I enquired if anyone else was having the issue here. It seems I'm in good company.

    In late November SORBS expanded its DUHL list by a vast amount of IP addresses. Among them a multitude of legitimate businesses like Amazon S2, Yahoo, and other large hosting companies. SORBS delisting procedures failed to honor requests due to the high volume of requests.
    As Paul from Knownhost says
    The best thing that can be done at this point is to try to contact with administrators of mail servers where SORBS is being used and to convince them to drop SORBS from their RBL configs.
    Please pass the message on.

    And for those new members who didn't get their email confirmation notices because of this, my apologies - but your email admins are bouncing my messages to them trying to point out the problem too.

    May you have better luck bringing the issue to their attention.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    SORBS has just responded to say the issue has been resolved.

    Let's see - I posted the message above on 8 December 2010 (and already had been waiting for a response for over a week at that time).
    Issue cleared on the evening of 27 January 2011.

    Almost two months...
    Last edited by Dave A; 28-Jan-11 at 09:12 AM.

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