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Thread: Affiliate Marketing in South Africa

  1. #1
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    Affiliate Marketing in South Africa

    We only have two giant affiliate companies in South Africa who are monopolizing underdeveloped industry.
    What recourse one have if you are not happy with the service/treatment you get from these giants?
    When you use their communication channels they take you from pillar to post.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Hi Thembadl, welcome to TFSA.

    You obviously have a gripe, feel free to expand your first post and explain. I'm also fairly sure you might have a solution you're itching to tell us about :-)


  3. #3
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    Thank you AndyD
    I am only 8 months old in affiliate marketing. I am figuring out what is what and what is not. I have made some few hundreds during that time of which I have not seen a sent of it. While I was still fighting for my payment, my accounts got suspended. I have offered to cooperate with their investigations as their findings will also teach me good practices.
    The biggest challenge is that these Giants are only South African because they have sub-domains registered in South Africa. When I need to elevate my problem I have to call office oversees. Every time I talk to the next person he/she promises to comeback to me.
    As I said, I am new in this industry and I want to be a major player in it. I am still not sure of the legal or formal avenues of the industry. It looks like everyone can do as one pleases.
    I have legitimate claim on some of the commission they are holding as they are as a result of leads not clicks. If they end up playing this hide and seek, is there some sort of Ombudsman I can resort to?
    Hope this explains my question. I am avoiding being specific as I don't know legal implications like they regulate other media.

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thembadl View Post
    I am only 8 months old in affiliate marketing. I am figuring out what is what and what is not. I have made some few hundreds during that time
    That must have raised a few eyebrows. I've found the conversion rate on local affiliate schemes absolutely pathetic, and most of the time the pay per conversion is pretty pathetic too.

  5. #5
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    Thank you Dave A.
    Some times I see myself as a victim of my success. I set myself a target that once I started making money I will double my monthly income until it is not practical to do so. On my first month I made R57, the second month, R160, 3rd, R500, 4th, R1200 and the first week of 5th, R2 500.
    I started my website because I has +/- 7000 e-mail contacts, mine was to find the way to make money with that database. With spam restrictions and cost of e-mail marketing, I had to try many things myself spending long hours building. When I thought I got it, I get suspended.

  6. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Well, your performance is way better than average!!! That must be some technique you've got.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thembadl View Post
    When I thought I got it, I get suspended.
    Have they given any reasons?

  7. #7
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    It is the power of social networks. I would think there is a grey area there because some campaigns says NO SOCIAL MARKETING. Sometimes you share something on Facebook and Facebook pools the banner/image that is not suppose to be marketed there.

    No, there have not given me reasons for suspension.

  8. #8
    Platinum Member Chatmaster's Avatar
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    Do you mind naming the company?
    Roelof Vermeulen (Entrepreneurship in large organizations)
    Roelof Vermeulen| Rock flaps south africa

  9. #9
    Email problem derekjay's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Dave on this one, that the local aff/ppc type companies (or at least those with local divisions) are for the most part not very good (putting it lightly).

    IMO, I would honestly just focus my efforts on finding a trustworthy affiliate network (and there are many excellent ones out there), and put my energy into that, as opposed to wasting time in the past.

    I know that its easy for me to say that (because I'm not the one being short changed), but past experiences have taught me that for the most part, chasing after small change is not worth it. Rather focus your energy on where you want to be, and take the necesarry steps.

    My 2 cents

  10. #10
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    Thank you all for your comments and contributions. The message I got is that you are on your own in online industry. I should have known better with toilet website and whatever link that exposes classified information.
    Good news is that one of the companies has opened communication channel again and I am happy with our negotiations. I will only name the company I am talking to because they have shown interest in addressing the issue, that is TrafficSynergy. They have pointed out what I was doing wrong. I will take some time to explain in details as that may help others and there are also grey area TO ME around the issue. As that is required by the advertiser, I have to comply.
    Like I said I am very new in the industry, clarity in this issue will determine my future in the industry.

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