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Thread: Continual railway strikes

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    Continual railway strikes

    Train drivers are striking in Cape Town again this morning. Some of my employees are unable to get to work when this happens. Each time it happens I end up having to pay their salaries but of course get no productivity from them.

    Well I've had just about enough of this. I am going to get rid of these semi-skilled workers and replace them with people that live close by. I'm tired of having to bear the brunt of the continual havoc created by the railway workers.

    Now you might say that this is unfair on the employee, fair enough, but what about my small business. We live in a country where employees have far too many rights. The alternative is to employ them as hourly paid contract workers. No work no pay.

    What i do find interesting is that my Zimbabwean employees always make a plan, they walk, take taxis and do what ever it takes to get to work.

    Enough is enough - The train drivers can happily strike and my soon to be ex workers can also happily stay at home.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Some of my employees are unable to get to work when this happens. Each time it happens I end up having to pay their salaries but of course get no productivity from them.
    Sorry - you lost me there. Why do you have to pay them when they don't turn up for work?

  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    True, I've been very forgiving when it comes to strikes but yes, there are employees that still make a plan to get to work nonetheless.

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I suggest make the "transport problem" absenteeism unpaid leave before resorting to (effectively) dismissals. What gets rewarded gets done.

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