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Thread: electrical contractor registration

  1. #1
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    electrical contractor registration

    ?????????????????????????????????? what everyone wants to know?

    any registration process run by the goverment seems to have the same issue...nobody quite knows what is it

    gun licenses and registrations....waiting 5 years for them to come and look at the safe location and approve.

    skippers license and registration...waitng more than 2 years now they say they have lost i must pay again and reapply

    electrical contractor re- registration no-one quite knows if you must just keep registering with the ECB or DOL...DOL are requesting forms and money be sent to them but they dont have the infrastructure in place yet

  2. #2
    Email problem 123's Avatar
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    Hi Mrdk,

    Have you read this.

    I see that the geia actually applied to take over the registration process... thank goodness the DOL refused.

    That would have been the geia's first step in becoming the sole judge, jury and executioner. This could have enabled them to "refuse" (re-) registration should they feel like it and/or according to their flawed/corruptable inspection methods. With nobody around to police them, the sky is the limit...
    If it is not broken, fix/test it until it is.
    This is my opinion and I stick to it.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I'm trying to chase down more information from DoL. (Don't ask what it's been like so far )

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    OK - here's the skinny.

    If you're an existing contractor, you'll be contacted when it's time to update/renew your registration. DoL aims to stagger renewals throughout the year, so it's not like we're all going to be contacted at once.

    Existing contractors registered with the ECB have already been registered on the new system. Hopefully the details will be correct when it comes to contact time, but failing that, when you purchase COC forms (still available from the ECB) it goes on the system too. Maybe use the opportunity to check your contact details are correct while you're there.

    The good news is renewals will be handled online at
    I had a look - the website is updated and actually has some useful basic information on it.

    I also tried to open a customer account, and I think I've just given a techie a mess to clear out
    Anyway, I'll worry about that when we get contacted to renew. If you do want to open a customer account, try entering your old ECB registration number in the old/new box and leave the box above and below blank. I put the account number in from the invoice I'd just received for some COC pads and that obviously confused the system.

    For queries and further information, there is a number to contact for support. PM me if you need it (I'd rather keep the line open for electrical contractors than have it out in the open here to be harvested by some telesales operation).
    Last edited by Dave A; 02-Dec-10 at 04:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Email problem 123's Avatar
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    Is this a valid email or a hoax? Any one else received this, or rather everyone?, and how can the ecb change the law, which states that we are valid for a 12 month period?

    Dear ,

    The cost is as before R 120-00 plus R 100-00 admin fee.

    As part of our ongoing plan to improve our service levels we have decided to stagger the registration dates throughout the year rather than bunch them all around the Feb/Mar period. This will have the effect that the fee due may vary as you may have to pay for more than or less than a 12 month period. This change will be for this first re-registration only, thereafter it will be on the same date each year thereafter.

    In addition, if you have not paid for the previous year or years, you will have to pay back as you would have been operating illegally, or if you claim that you were not trading for those years since you last registered, you are required to supply a sworn affidavit to that effect.

    As a result your companies annual registration date has moved to 31/1/2011. This in turn means that your registration fee for the period between your old registration renewal date of 19/3/2010 and this new date is R180.00 (calculated as the number of months between the dates x registration fee per annum/12 rounded to the nearest R10).

    We are in the process of implementing an online credit card payment facility (to further enhance the service levels) however in the meantime could we ask you to assist us with the phasing in of this new process by making payment of this fee via EFT in the bank account detailed below.
    Bank: First National Bank
    Branch Name: Festival Mall
    Branch Code: 231433
    Account Name: Electrical Contracting Board of SA
    Account Number: 55030019349
    In addition to this we have also extended the roll out of our on-line facilities for each company to register and maintain their company records online. In order to complete your registration please click here.
    We trust that these changes will continue to make your business processes simpler and welcome your comments on
    Kind Regards
    ECB Chairperson
    Tony McDonald
    Last edited by 123; 31-Jan-11 at 11:56 AM. Reason: spelling

  6. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    It's not a hoax. The ECB website is being used for the DoL registrations. You can also go into an ECB office and do it "manually."

  7. #7
    Gold Member Sparks's Avatar
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    The online registration renewal. I thought I would register for online renewal. No such luck. The online registration is for the ECA! I am not and have no intention of becoming a member. I would just like to renew my ECB registration online. Is that possible for a non-ECA member? How?

  8. #8
    Email problem 123's Avatar
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    Sparks Magazine Feb 2011: "As indicated in my November column, electrical contractors should not re-register with the Electrical Contracting Board after the end of February 2011 but should wait for further clarification from DoL with regard to complying blah blah blah blah...." - Mark Palmer.

    Now if this is not the biggest.... sorry, that's getting personal.

    Major confusion rules (mostly created by Palmer) and by the looks of it, some politics and powerplay added into the mix. Palmer, being an employee/owner/self appointed person/ whatever/ if anything/, of the geia, (his baby, alpha and omega, and his income), desperately seeks to take the ECB's place with registrations of contractors. He must have finally came to the conclusion that the GEIA means absolutely nothing, has no real legal substance and that they cannot continue their "we are the electrical gods" attitude. They twist and turn the regulation book to such an extent it is criminal. The extent of the geia's corruption and misinterpretation of the law is echoed and confirmed by a number of it's employees. He must have realized that the shelf life of the geia is about to expire. The amount of complaints lying in front of Pieter Loubscher must be immense (from disgruntled contractors). They, (M.Palmer's geia), even frantically applied to take over the ECB's function, but was turned down. Rejected. Not Granted. the government decided not to give the geia (palmer) such authority.

    Luckily the Chief Inspector and the Minister are both clear headed and logical. The GEIA will not be taking over the ECB's function, which would, by the way, make them judge, jury and executioner. Palmer and his cronies would have absolutely loved the amount of "power" this would have given them. It will be disastrous for the Electrical Industry if a power drunk, corrupt institution like the GEIA would have assumed such responsibilities.

    After a call to the ECB and the DoL this was confirmed. And I was assured that the ECB is the ONLY institution where Electrical contractors can register. See It has nothing to do with the ECA. If anything, according to the meeting where the Chief Inspector and his right hand man, Pieter Loubscher, was involved, and as a result thereof, the ECA might be integrated with the ECB, or vice versa, or at the most, some of their respective functions.

    So, Palmer, please stop confusing the trade by making misleading and sometimes blatantly untrue statements to further your personal (geia) agendas. If you think, for one moment, the Chief Inspector and his office could be confused by your antics, you are making a big mistake. His office confirmed that the ECB is the only body that will register contractors. So apologise and retract your untrue statements publicly as agreed upon in the meeting with the DoL.
    Last edited by 123; 02-Mar-11 at 05:48 PM. Reason: spelling
    If it is not broken, fix/test it until it is.
    This is my opinion and I stick to it.

  9. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 123 View Post
    If anything, according to the meeting where the Chief Inspector and his right hand man, Pieter Loubscher, was involved, and as a result thereof, the ECA might be integrated with the ECB, or vice versa, or at the most, some of their respective functions.
    I'd be interested in hearing the argument for this.

    From what I can tell a clear seperation of function between the ECB and the ECA would be far better for the administration of the industry overall. The ECA does not exactly have a great track record for being consistent and impartial in matters of... how may I phrase this... regulatory interpretation. There is far too much favour given to vested interest.

    Which, I hasten to add, isn't a problem at all as long as the ECA remains an employer representative party.

  10. #10
    Gold Member Sparks's Avatar
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    It is exactly as you say, and there are plenty who can attest to this, thus, why bother hearing the argument unless you are in the mood for a laugh. Seriously though, with re-registration due now I would like to know: my new date of re-registration will be near the end of the year. Do I pay now until the end of next year or until the new date at the end of this year?

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